Attorney General Jackley Urges Congress To Support Safeguard American Voting Eligibility (“SAVE”) Act 

Attorney General Jackley Urges Congress To Support Safeguard American Voting Eligibility (“SAVE”) Act 

PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakota Attorney General Marty has joined 21 other Attorneys General in urging Congress to support the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (“SAVE”) Act.

The proposal would prohibit illegal immigrants from voting in elections. Under the Act, individuals would have to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote.

U.S. House of Representatives members approved the measure last week. It now goes to the U.S. Senate.

“This is a common-sense approach to protecting our elections,” said Attorney General Jackley. “The “SAVE” Act will increase Americans’ confidence in the security of our elections.”

Other Attorneys Generals who have signed the letter to Congressional leaders are from: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.

The letter can be found here.


11 thoughts on “Attorney General Jackley Urges Congress To Support Safeguard American Voting Eligibility (“SAVE”) Act ”

  1. This is so, so unbelievably unfair! This proposed Republican legislation is just another blatant attack on Democracy and an effort to result in one party rule. How on earth are Democrats expected to win elections when illegal immigrants are prohibited from voting??? This attack on Democracy needs to STOP!!!

  2. This is political theater at it’s finest. It is already illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections.

    1. It’s also already illegal to enter the country without proper authorization. How’s that working out?

    2. It requires them to provide proof of citizenship. That is the sticking point. Some states dont even require proof of residency.
      Next door in Minnesota, a registered voter can show up at the polls on election day with as many as four people who have not a shred of documentation, and vouch for them. If the registered voter vouches for them, all four are allowed to register to vote and cast ballots.
      It doesn’t matter where they live or where they come from.
      You can drive across Minnesota on election day and repeat this process in every town you pass through. Nobody is required to have identification.

  3. The Democrats are telling rich white liberals that this will disenfranchise black voters because, as all rich white liberals know, black people don’t have birth certificates. Or any other kind of identification to present when voting.

  4. Marty is getting pretty involved with these federal issues, what does that mean? Is he preparing for a different position perhaps?

      1. He is actually supposed to represent SD, but he only fights for establishment cultural issues. This issue is exactly that, he’s campaigning for Trump, and yet again, the SD taxpayer is paying for it.

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