I had previously noted my contentious objection to supporting Kevin Quick for District 35 State Senate.. And while he was the first, he won’t be the last person I’m going to respectfully take a hard pass on supporting in the GOP Primary.
And with that, I’d bring you another edition of Candidates I just can’t get behind, with a pair of the candidates running for office. Aaron Aylward and Thomas Werner, who are hopefuls running for the State House of Representatives in District 6.
I believe I’ve noted previously Aylward’s previous political affiliation, as he’d been registered as a Libertarian last year.. when he was statewide chair for the Libertarian Party. I’m a strong advocate for the GOP maintaining a big tent policy, as many people have had sincere changes in thought and ideology over their lifetimes, and have come to serve the GOP well after reaching a crossroads.
State GOP Chair Dan Lederman is one. So is Lt Governor Larry Rhoden who both changed after originally registering in another party in their long-ago days of youth. Ronald Reagan did the same thing himself before becoming one of our most noteworthy presidents in modern history.
But, then there’s Aaron, who I have to view a bit more cynically:

When you tell someone you switched to the Republican Party, and are “running on that ticket for 2020,” I don’t exactly get the feeling that there’s been a shift of ideology, rather than a shift for opportunity’s sake. If Aylward’s conversion to the GOP is sincere, he hasn’t sold me on it. And I have the feeling I’m no different that many others.
Sorry. I’m going to nope out of this one.
And then, there’s his fellow District 6 House candidate Thomas Werner. Much like Kevin Quick in the last edition of this column, when someone pops up on the scene and you have no idea who they are, you do some checking.
One of the first rules of opposition research is to research yourself first… and clearly… horrifically that was not done here. Otherwise, you would have asked yourself twice as to why Werner ever thought of running:

This was a public notice from February 17, 2000 in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader. And yes, it was 20 years ago. But, as you dig, you find plenty of things in more recent years, such as civil judgements and as noted here, a 2014 Sheriff’s sale (Argus Leader July 2, 2014).

And believe me, that’s not all… I’m just being brief for brevity’s sake.
I know businesses have downturns. I know people can have a bad run of luck. But.. what I’m stumbling across in a very surface look is all very publicly filed, via notices in the newspaper. It was a fairly simple look through the Argus, where I found this and more.
So, what happens when someone decides to do some serious digging against Werner in the fall? Because that’s what opposition research is all about. It’s campaigning 101. At times it can be difficult enough to run a race with a stellar candidate, much less one who seems to be deeply flawed.
So make this a District 6 double nope.
Party switching for opportunity’s sake, and being all too well acquainted with the Argus Leader’s public notice section? Sorry, but District 6 House candidates Aaron Aylward & Thomas Werner are candidates I just can’t get behind.