Sad news this morning for our Republican family.

I just saw on Facebook a note from former Attorney General Marty Jackley, regarding his father Mike, who has passed away.

Michael Jackley had long been involved in the Republican Party as Meade County State’s Attorney, and GOP County Chairman among other roles.

The senior Jackley had himself sought the nomination for Attorney General back in 1986, a race that was ultimately won by Roger Tellinghuisen.  While Mike didn’t win that race, he saw his son appointed to that position in 2009.

Our prayers are with the Jackley family in their time of loss.

So how many millions did Democrats waste on the Iowa Caucuses?

Watching the news this AM, one of the reporters was questioning how many millions Democrat candidates wasted in Iowa after last night’s voting debacle?

Over the course of months they pumped staff, advertising, surrogates, and a ridiculous amount of effort to come out on top of the first in the nation caucus in an attempt to gain early momentum… which yet the next day, still no one knows who won.

What are your thoughts?

New Legislative Candidates for Feb 3, 2020

The GOP adds three new candidates to the list of those who are running for the State Legislature in 2020.

Nathan Block joins the District 6 House Primary.  Dr. Noel Chicoine is running in the primary in D24 House, also has an article in the Pierre paper today.

And Melanie Torno who announced last evening is currently unchallenged for the District 33 House seat being vacated by David Johnson, who is running for the State Senate.

Keep watching!

Noem, Federal Representatives Continue Working Toward July 3 Fireworks Celebration at Mount Rushmore

Noem, Federal Representatives Continue Working
Toward July 3 Fireworks Celebration at Mount Rushmore

Governor Kristi Noem last week welcomed representatives from the National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to South Dakota to continue working toward the July 3 fireworks celebration at the Mount Rushmore National Memorial.

Left to Right: Patti Trap, Acting Superintendent of Mount Rushmore; David Vela, Director of the National Park Service; Governor Kristi Noem; Rob Wallace, Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Lt. Governor Larry Rhoden

“Mount Rushmore is America’s ‘Shrine of Democracy,” said Noem. “It is only fitting that it should be prominently featured as part of the nation’s Independence Day celebrations. We are so thankful to President Trump and our federal partners for helping us bring back this American tradition.”

The State of South Dakota, in partnership with the National Park Service, is developing the Independence Day fireworks display, which will be hosted at Mount Rushmore National Memorial on July 3, 2020. The National Park Service is currently conducting an environmental assessment to ensure the fireworks display is safe and enjoyable.

Fireworks were last seen at Mount Rushmore in 2009 but were discontinued following concerns related to the pine beetle infestation in the Black Hills National Forest. Since that time, the forest has gained strength and advancements in pyrotechnics allow for a safe fireworks display.

To stay updated on fireworks developments, visit


Johnson Anticipates President’s State of the Union Address

Johnson Anticipates President’s State of the Union Address

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) today issued the following video statement ahead of the president’s State of the Union address:

Click here or on the photo above to watch the video.

Remarks as prepared below:

I expect the President to talk about four things:

First, that we’re a safer world after the death of General Qasem Soleimani, the world’s deadliest terrorist.

Secondly, I expect the president to talk about the big United States Mexico Canada Agreement.

I was at the White House last week when the president signed the USMCA into law. This is going to add 176,000 American jobs. 

Thirdly, I believe the president is going to highlight the American economy and the 7 million jobs we’ve created in the last three years.

Finally, I think the president is going to talk about what we can do this year moving forward – from lowering prescription drug prices to addressing our infrastructure needs, as well as making sure that we get 450 miles of new construction down at the border.


Release: South Dakota Truth for Our Youth Campaign Event

South Dakota Truth for Our Youth Campaign Event

RAPID CITY – The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology College Republicans, South Dakota College Republicans, and the South Dakota Federation of Republican Women (SDFRW) are co-hosting a business owner forum at the South Dakota School of Mines campus in EEP Room 252, on Thursday, February 6th at 6:00 p.m.

The forum, which is open to the public, will give students the opportunity to hear from successful local business owners and learn what principles they used to achieve their American dream.

Featured business owners include:

  • Chad Meyer, DDS – Orthodontic Specialist, Meyer & Dana Orthodontics
  • Carol Rae – President/CEO, ImmutriX Therapeutics, Inc.
  • Penny Sattgast – President/Founder,  PCS Biotech Services
  • Caleb J Arceneaux – CEO, LIV Hospitality

“South Dakota Truth for Our Youth Campaign’s mission is to actively engage youth in South Dakota by promoting republican principles, American patriotism, American civics, and American history,” explained Penny Sattgast, SDFRW Youth Engagement Committee Chair. “We are delighted to be working with the South Dakota School of Mines College Republicans to bring this programming to Rapid City.”


Release: South Dakota Republican Party blasts past 104k voter advantage, has over 90% of legislative candidates recruited for 2020 Election Cycle

South Dakota Republican Party blasts past 104k voter advantage, has over 90% of legislative candidates recruited for 2020 Election Cycle

The State Republican Party might not be as visible as last night’s Super Bowl Champions, but they’re declaring a solid win in the latest voter registration numbers reported by the South Dakota Secretary of State. According to current figures, South Dakota Republicans now have a voter advantage of 104,225 Republicans over Democrats.

According to State Chairman Dan Lederman, “the South Dakota Republican Party has 258,370 voters in comparison to Democrats’ 154,146. Over 47% of the active voters in the state identify with the Republican Party as their party of choice.”

“I think we can attribute our strong voter numbers to South Dakotans identifying with the policies and strong leadership of President Donald Trump,” Lederman said.  “Another result of so many people wanting to be part of the President’s successes is that the Republican Party is ahead of goals in candidate recruitment.”

The State Republican Party noted that “as of today, with nearly 2 months until the filing deadline, the GOP has over 90% of our legislative slots filled, and we’re actively recruiting for all 105 positions,” according to Chairman Lederman.

Lederman indicated these are all signs of a robust Republican Party. “A healthy political party has four legs supporting it – strong voter registration, interested candidates, solid finances, and an active organization.”

“On top of our individual county party fundraising efforts, the State Republican Party raised over a quarter million dollars in an off-election year for our upcoming campaign activities. With 42 county organizations, statewide the SDGOP is extremely active, with over 20 events planned in the first quarter of 2020 alone, including MAGA meetups in Sioux Falls and Rapid City tomorrow night for the SOTU address, our annual county by county Lincoln Day Dinners, and many, many other events,” Lederman continued.

“I’m happy to report to the members of the Republican Party that the State GOP has a solid foundation under it as we prepare for the 2020 election cycle,” Lederman said.


Release: Representative Jess Olson serving District 34 Announces Re-election Bid

Representative Jess Olson serving District 34 Announces Re-election Bid

RAPID CITY, SD—- Jess Olson, District 34 Representative in the South Dakota State Legislature, announced her bid for re-election. Jess Olson is a business owner, mother, and Rapid City native who is completing her first term in the legislature.

“Hearing from my constituents and giving them a voice in Pierre has been a wonderful experience,” Olson said, discussing her first term. “I support growing business and strengthening South Dakota families.” While representing District 34, Olson is a member of the House Education Committee and the House Tax Committee. She also received a judicial appointment to the statewide Juvenile Diversion Alternative Initiative Steering Committee, last year.

Previously, Olson has served as Chair of the Rapid City Library Board of Trustees, Treasurer of the statewide chapter for the American College of Healthcare Executives, and Treasurer of the statewide Youth Care Provider Association. Olson is also a member of the Rapid City Chamber of Commerce.
Representative Olson has a Bachelors degree from Dartmouth College and a Masters Degree in Healthcare Administration from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Her professional experience includes operating her own home health business and leading a nonprofit serving at-risk youth. In her free time, Jess and her husband, Eric, enjoy the Black Hills with their children, especially skiing in the winter and camping in the summer.

Looking to the next session, Olson said, “like my neighbors in District 34, I am raising my family and running a business so the legislation we pass impacts my everyday life. My priority, as your Representative, is to make South Dakota the best place to live, work and raise a family.”


Argus covers Liz May announcement in 4 sentences, because that’s what they were given to work with.

The Argus Leader is covering Liz May’s Congressional campaign announcement today. At least, all 4 sentences of it. Here’s a snippet, which might be pushing it for the amount of material I should be using under Fair Use principles:

May noted that she’s a fourth generation South Dakotan, and she compared politicians in congress to cattle, saying there’s a need to “cull the herd.”

Read it all here.

And – try not to be shocked – but I’m not dragging on the state’s largest paper for this one. That’s about all the material that May’s campaign has really provided state media in one of the poorest statewide campaign rollouts I’ve seen in 30 years.

I didn’t see a press release or press notice that it was taking place.  I didn’t see any background materials. No contact from a press person trying to get people there for coverage.  I saw a haphazardly slapped together rollout based on a video that was shot and put on the facebook site her Texas consultant put up, and that’s it.   It doesn’t seem like they were trying to announce as much as get another facebook video with a few friends and family.

May announced this afternoon in Rapid City, but there’s nothing about the announcement on the Rapid City Journal’s website, or KOTA TV. I do see that Newscenter1 put up a blurb last night that she would be announcing, but I didn’t see any cameras there.

For a challenger campaign that has to cover as much ground and gain as much name ID as Liz May does in 4 months (that’s 122 days) this campaign rollout comes off as a majorly botched opportunity.

If there’s any bright side to point out… well, I would say May has nowhere to go but up.