Bjorkman follows Johnson polling data with push poll. A little early for the negative, isn’t it?

The Tim Bjorkman for Congress campaign is me-tooing this afternoon with poll results of their own after the Dusty Johnson campaign released numbers showing a significant advantage over the unknown Bjorkman:

The poll shows Republican Dusty Johnson leading Bjorkman 39 percent to 37 percent when the positions and backgrounds of both candidates are provided. In the initial head-to-head match-up, Johnson leads Bjorkman 43-33, with 14 percent undecided.

However, this lead is largely due to Johnson’s substantially greater name recognition, an advantage that will certainly decline as Bjorkman becomes better known.

Read it here.

In reading this, a few things.

Both polls have Bjorkman at 33%, but after Bjorkman’s “push poll” telling about their backgrounds, he skyrockets to … 37%. And he really doesn’t release the “positions and backgrounds” noting specifics about how he’s dragging his opponent.

If this primary election should be any sort of example for Bjorkman, it’s that going hard negative against Dusty doesn’t really work. And even if it did, it’s a little early, considering where his own name ID is.

And while they’re throwing shade at the Public Opinion Strategies poll.. if you’re comparing track records, someone tell me when PPP ever polled for a winning candidate in South Dakota history?

9 thoughts on “Bjorkman follows Johnson polling data with push poll. A little early for the negative, isn’t it?”

  1. Bjorkman also assumes that his campaign is going to have enough money to significantly improve his name recognition. Sure, the campaign will help some, but he keeps talking about all the people he won’t take any money from. That equates to less money for advertising. I’ll bet on election day, 25% of the voters STILL have never heard of him.

    1. Pretty simple. Tim Bjorkman is not selling out and is determined to serve the people.
      No PAC money. No Special interest money. No Rubles or Russian Agents. Will only accept campaign donations from individual Americans.

      1. Maybe that’s why some of his staff quit, he has no money to pay them? Isn’t he all for increasing the minimum wage? How can that happen if you don’t take it from the rich?

  2. I’ll put my money on Glen Bolger (POS) every time. He has been polling in South Dakota since the 1990’s.

  3. How many of Bjorkman’s staff have quit? I’ve heard one girl in rapid and at least two east river. I wonder if something bad is going on there.

    1. Enough to know there’s not an adequate amount of “equality” to go around.

      I’ve heard it may have something to do with toxic masculinity.

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