Borglum for US Senate Statement of Organization filed with Federal Elections Commission

The Borglum for US Senate Statement of Organization filed with the Federal Elections Commission is now on-line for the world to see, and offers a glimpse into the campaign organization in it’s early days:

Borglum for US Senate FEC Filing by Pat Powers on Scribd

Serving as treasurer is Borglum’s mother, as she has for Scyller’s legislative campaign in the past. And as had been widely rumored, Ashley Granby of Adkins, Texas is noted as serving in the capacity of Borglum’s campaign manager.

35 thoughts on “Borglum for US Senate Statement of Organization filed with Federal Elections Commission”

  1. Treasurer from Minnesota
    Campaign Manager from Texas
    Consultant (Jim McIntosh) from Texas
    Candidate from Montana

    Her entire team is from out-of-state, no wonder why they think life-long South Dakotans like Rounds, Thune, Noem, and Dusty are the evil establishment.

      1. So the Democrats scheming to infiltrate red-state GOP primaries couldn’t find a native South Dakota Democrat willing to pose as a Republican, and they had to settle for a fully documented immigrant Democrat instead?

        As if the Rounds campaign or the Lederman machine would smear her any less if she’d lived here all her life.

    1. Fact Check: The Treasurer is born and raised in South Dakota…she only lives in Minnesota since her husband took the calling to become a pastor.

      Additionally, the candidate lives in South Dakota and has family throughout the state (look at her announcement locations).

      Sen Rounds is a lifelong politician. Maybe this should be the focus?

      1. Your statement as a “life long politician” is incorrect. Check your facts.

        1. I like facts…
          Rounds elected record without comment is this:

          Elected to state Senate in 1990, serving from 1991-2001
          Elected in 1993 Senate Minority Whip
          Elected in 1995 Senate Majority Leader

          Elected Governor in 2002, serving 2003-2011

          Elected to US Senate in 2014, serving 2015-present

          (from Wikipedia)

        2. 1990 to present, so 29 years, that’s a life long politician to me and is not exactly what our founders had in mind for elected officials.

      2. Um- the candidate moved to SD in 2015 to go back to school. In fact, she has been in school most of her adult life. She worked for big pharma selling drugs and then big oil…maybe 7 years out of the last 22 working a real job. I find it remarkable that she now wants to be our US Senator.

  2. Ashley actually lived here and became involved during the Norm campaign, she was married to an airman.

      1. For Scyller’s sake I hope Ashley has improved since she was on Noem’s team. She was borderline inept. She and her bf McIntosh were the main reason Thune people got called in to save the day. Won’t be any one to rescue her this time.

    1. Yikes. Are they insinuating that airmen and their spouses are outsiders? Ellsworth is a huge part of South Dakota’s community and ECONOMY.

  3. grudznick has applied for jobs with Dr. Borg’s campaign. As of yet I have not heard back, but I expect to be media relations or perhaps secretary of the press and blogs. Dr. Borg knows I work cheap. But I demand weekly breakfast meetings, and that seems a stickling point with her out-of-state staff.

  4. Rounds’ Out-of-State Staff Members:

    Natalie Krings – Nebraska – Communications Director

    Gregg Rickman – New York – Previous Deputy Chief of Staff and Legislative Director

    Skyler Mansell – Legislative Correspondent – Alabama

    Jordan Fashimpaur – DC Scheduler – North Carolina


      1. Big difference between having an entire staff from out of state and a candidate who is basically from out of state versus a handful of out of state staff out of many in a senate office. Hopefully Borglum will find some South Dakotans to hire.

    1. Congratulations! You know how to use Google.

    2. So 4 out of his 30+ staff are out of state in his official office? That’s remarkably low for DC.

  5. As a conservative I like how Rounds has voted in the Senate.
    Convince me why I should change my vote to an unproven commodity?

  6. Pretty wild to see the establishment’s reaction to this.

    Borglum is no Dr. Boz.

    She’s a threat. Definitely a long shot at this point, but this isn’t a slam dunk just yet.

    Mike’s a good guy for sure, but in terms of education and intelligence he’s not in the same league as Borglum.

    This could get interesting.

  7. Thune once wrote me a response letter explaining how we are all immigrants.

    Diversity is our strength and it would seem to be that Borglum has a team dripping with diversity and immigrants. Hate has no home here in SD and some comments are not being very tolerant.

  8. Is it true Stan Adelstein has turned against Rounds and is one of the people behind this?

    1. Wouldn’t surprise me. Stan has turned evil to anyone involved in the state R party longer than him. I call it jealousy. If I can’t have it then I don’t want anyone else to either.

  9. Where her staff came from is not really a problem; what’s a problem is that she didn’t even get Jason Glodt.

    1. yeah, she got the team that helped Noem and not the one that lost with Jackley

  10. I am amazed at how passionately Borglum supports such ridiculous and revolting anti-science bullshit as the ‘sex is a spectrum’ stance.

    Turns out ‘having a PhD’ and ‘being a smart person’ do not always correlate.

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