City council candidate reached across the aisle to endorse Richard Thomason in SF City Council race

This wasn’t on my bingo card this week. But it’s heartening to see that people with different approaches and philosophies can come together and show us all that there is hope we can all work together.

Democrat and former City Council Candidate Allison Renville couldn’t be more ideologically different than her former opponent, and candidate in the run-off race Republican Richard Thomason. But both recognize the need to  work together to serve the community of Sioux Falls. Which brought Renville to support her former opponent’s candidacy in the upcoming election:

Renville endorsed Richard Thomason in a Friday afternoon Facebook post, saying she plans to vote for him in the April 30 runoff as opposed to Jordan Deffenbaugh, who she had openly sparred with in the final days of her campaign.

She also wrote that she wanted people to “look beyond identity politics and vote for someone willing to adequately communicate with not just me but all those present and engaged.”

“Campaigns are about bringing people together,” Thomason told the Argus Leader in a text message Friday. “I have appreciated getting to know Allison, and we have had great conversations. Her support means a great deal to me.”

Read the entire story here in the Argus Leader.

2 thoughts on “City council candidate reached across the aisle to endorse Richard Thomason in SF City Council race”

  1. Whether endorsements are a net positive at the ballot box or just a distraction from talking about the issues, they make the endorsee and endorser feel important.

  2. Wish both sides at the state and federal level would understand that they should be working for the whole no the party.

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