10 thoughts on “City of Sioux Falls rolls out new shared logo.”

  1. I understand what is being attempted with the “One Sioux Falls” effort. Frustration with the disconnection and duplication of effort associated with economic development led one former mayor to disassociate himself from most, if not all, nongovernmental economic development efforts.

    The risk associated with “One Sioux Falls” is the same that accompanies all one-stop shopping. As Margaret Sumption said many years ago, “One-stop shopping is great – as long as you like the store.” If you don’t like the store, of if the store doesn’t meet your needs, you’re either out of luck or, at best, your options are limited and more difficult to access.

  2. Not being from Sioux Falls I’m scratching my head going seriously? In a covid crisis we are rolling out logos and spending time acting like this matters?

    No one will care about a logo at this time.

  3. There you go…dealing with a logo but no contact tracing Smithfield positive Covid cases throughout community. We feel like we are in land of OZ with “scarecrow” leading.

  4. Should have had a contest among 1st graders. I would be disappointed if they did not come up with something bstter.p

  5. I like it. Maybe Noem will donate money for flags since she sold us out for medical experiments.

  6. Button, logos and now public shaming of the Governor. Remember when DWC and the Party touted this guy as a Republican when his voter registration remained a mystery ? More like a Bloomberg Republican. My tent isn’t that big…

    1. The Governor has fallen flat on her job.

      Maybe when, Heaven forbid, you and your family contract COVID-19 you can survive on the prayers that Governor Noem asked for… instead of the PPE and testing she should be asking for.

      it’s just like industrial hemp, another instance in. which the Governor think she’s knows best – but doesn’t. Are her staff just incompetent or do they not know how to manage her?

      It’s bad decision after bad decision to gain what… ? Ten Haken will likely be coming for her job sooner than later.

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