Democrat candidate issues response to Krebs’ response to Tapio question on Muslim registry

Democrat Candidate for Congress Tim Bjorkman used the occasion of the debate surrounding the Tapio/Krebs battle of words over an Muslim Registry to interject himself into the discussion… largely in an effort to try to get people to pay attention to the fact that he is also a candidate.

From facebook:

37 thoughts on “Democrat candidate issues response to Krebs’ response to Tapio question on Muslim registry”

  1. 2 observations…

    1- way too long of a statement…short concise statements are best…words of advice to ALL candidates.

    2–Is Tapio going to run, haven’t seen anything from him in the way of an announcement and now with Christmas approaching this is a horrible time to announce that someone is running for office, as no one is paying attention but us political junkies 🙂

      1. I know Tapio will run, but YOU don’t know him ! He is NOT a racist by any means, except in that little, assuming, pea brain of yours.

      2. Do you know him personally, or do you have any quotes or a pattern of behavior to make your slanderous statement? Just askin’.

  2. Krebs said she supported Kobach’s proposal to set up a registry for people from areas where terror threats are detected.

    “It’s not based on religion, it’s based on migrants that are believed to pose a threat,” Krebs said.

    If I’m correct, what Korbach proposes is simply reinstating a database of all immigrants (Muslim and Non-Muslim alike) from countries considered at “high risk” of terrorism — something the federal government did from 2002 to 2011, designated the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System, or NSEERS. Most people probably didn’t know about NSEERS when it was in effect.

    1. You seem to be correct. Krebs never supported what Tapio said. In fact Tapio is the only person who thinks there is a Muslim Registry and is actually proud of being an idiot and a racist.

  3. About 100 years ago we could of substituted Muslim with German. My grandmother on my mother’s side shared stories of her childhood growing up and speaking German at home in Dimock, SD but made sure she and others in the family did not speak German outside of home because of all the Anti-German fear and suspicion during World War 1. That fear and suspicion of Germans was throughout the US where bad incidents occurred.

    History sure repeats itself and unfortunately one of the oldest political tools is to divide and distract from real issues by scapegoating and/or creating imaginary phantoms.

    1. History is not totally repeating itself. There was a lot of anti-German feelings back then, but not everyone as many people did not support us getting into the war. The difference between then and now is that there were not the acts of terrorism against the US people by those of German heritage, as we now see the terrorist acts being perpetrated by radicalized Muslims today.

      1. Domestically here in the US the vast majority of mass shootings which I would define as acts terrorism were not done by Muslims. The Oklahoma City bombing was not done by a Muslim.

        1. You are going back a long time with the Oklahoma bombing. Since 9/11 over 380 persons have been charged with jihadist terrorism in the US:

          Don’t forget the Pulse Nightclub, Fort Hood, husband and wife who killed several at the California holiday party, Boston Marathon bombing, airplane shoe bomber, and the latest, in October in NY, where a terrorist drove his rented truck into pedestrians killing eight.

      2. Germans were demonized to some extent during the war questioning their loyalty, suspicion in regards to them being spies or somehow sabotaging the war effort.

        Japanese Interment camps

        Prior to that various refugees and immigrants were treated like trash, demonized and de-humanized by newspapers and various communities here in the US.

        The Irish,Italians, Jews, Eastern European, Chinese, Africans and religious faiths such as Catholics.

    2. Miranda my immigrant German from Russia grandfather came to Tripp in 1898, fought in WWI then wasn’t allowed to become a citizen until 1938. 2:35 says the difference was there were no acts of terrorism by German immigrants. There were none by Irish immigrants, either, unless you’re from the South and count the quarter-million Irish-heritage soldiers in the Union army. Yet, they were profoundly discriminated against for nearly a century.

      It’s a re-occuring pattern in America, trying to call it something else is a false narrative.

    1. After listening to Tim Bjorkman in person he would not be a rubber stamp for Pelosi. One of his proposals would go against party leadership in the House of Representatives right away.

  4. MGohn – I’ve got a similar family history as yours, expect….The reason why my great-grandparents spoke German in the house was because it was their native language and the reason why they spoke English outside the home was because it was the language of the land. In fact, English was the official language as legal documents were printed in English. That’s what my grandparents called assimilation.

    There is certainly a trend with Islamic terrorists being Muslim, it’s not the Amish or Mormons screaming Allah Akbar after a mass shooting or after a vehicle has run through a crowd and decapitated people. I wonder which of the 11 Muslim countries you would visit first? Do you know much about Sharia Law? How about the 5 pillars of Iman?

    We’ve been fighting Muslims for centuries, let me recommend ‘Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates’ and then after that one, you should read ‘No-Go-Zones’ and then you’ll see history repeating. Don’t be ignorant, Sharia Law and Western Culture cannot coexist. Let me give you an example, the LGBT community welcomed and embraced the Muslim terrorist who ended up killing 50 of them at the Orlando nightclub, all in the name of Allah.

    As for the registry, there should be one, I agree with WBeal. And there should be other border security measures in place…Build the Wall. I dare you to further educate yourself on this subject, don’t be manipulated.

    1. KM,

      A few weeks ago I went to see Dr. Virji speak at Northern State University in Aberdeen. He practices medicine in Dawson, MN. Dawson like many areas of rural America has a shortage of physicians and they really value him there and he likes the community and enjoys practicing rural medicine. His presentation was excellent with an incredible amount of information in which he quoted our Founding Fathers also on their opinion of Islam. I hope you and others are able to see him speak and ask him questions about your concerns.

      With the places I have lived and visited which included my time in a branch of the military in the 80s and living in Minneapolis for about 15 years I have had friends, co-workers, classmates in college, Professors, Doctors, business owners and a tenant or two who happened to be Muslim and they were just trying to pursue the American Dream like anyone else. No different from the rest of us.

      This is the United States of America with our own Constitution, Bill of Rights and laws and not a Islamic State.

      That mass shooter in Orlando from what I read had his own sexual attraction issues and rather than seek professional help to find some type of healthy resolution he like many of the most vocal anti-LGBT decided to make others pay for his own unhappiness and that he did but gave credit to Islamic Extremists for his actions in the end.

      1. I wonder if the Muslims you speak of reject Islam? Sounds to me like they assimilated to American culture. Great, I’m all for that. I’m all for legal immigration and assimilation. You are wrong about the Orlando shooter. He was scoping out the night club. He did what he did because he followed Islam. I agree, he was struggling mentally, clearly, he committed a terrorist attack. He knew what he was doing and now his wife is going to trial because she knew what he was going to do and they did it all in the name of Allah. Did you listen to the 911 recording?

        That’s not what’s happening with the majority of Muslim immigrants and refugees. Do not be fooled, do your research. I know you take the time to do just that. The LGBT community and people who practice Sharia Law cannot coexist. In all Muslim countries, they throw gay people of the top of buildings, have you seen any of the YouTube videos? Check out MILO, he may do a better job explaining to you the horrors of Islam. It’s a video of MILO speaking with a Muslim woman from Australia. It’s worth a watch.

  5. I wish Shantel wasn’t trying to look like something she’s not.

    When Tapio was out working his butt off for Trump, where was she? She didn’t do a thing to help Trump in the primaries. She didn’t do a thing to help Trump in the general.


    1. I see you take some interest in this topic.

      I do know you like entitlement programs much more. After watching this PragerU video, I thought of you. Hope you’ve been planning for your retirement?

      1. Social Security is solvent until 2041. If it becomes insolvent before then, it is only because Reagan and some enabling Democrats started robbing from it in the 1980s forward.

        SS might have to be tweaked down the road, but if you buy a new car there is an owner’s manual in the glove department that talks about future maintenance as well. Because even with great cars, they have to be worked on from time to time to keep them on the roads for many, many years to come…. And just because you have to work on them in the future doesn’t mean they are not great cars now and in the future as well….

      2. It’s going broke because the Government has been robbing from it. Just pop the cap instead of raising the age. This is just a scare tactic. Keep it in the LOCKBOX. and don’t let the pigs touch it. And, don’t vote for any politician that wants to take it away from you.

    2. I doubt KM will support a Medicaid registry. He/she can’t even sign their name to posts let alone be added to a list publicly.

            1. You got to know when to hold’em, know when to fold’em…
              I like to stick with the classics.

              Merry Christmas;)

      1. That’s rich coming from someone who posts “Anonymous”…pff.

        Why do you care what my name is? You want to meet me, come over for coffee? Or, maybe you have thoughts of vandalizing my home, scaring my children or you hope to try and ruin my life? I’m not stupid.

        Clearly, you are new to this blog or you’d know if I was a he or she, and you’d have an idea to what I think about Entitlement Programs, border security and illegal/legal immigration. You would even know what district I live in.

        Hope you stick around, you bring such critical thinking to the discussion.

  6. Where you at MGohn? You still researching the dangers Americans and our culture will face with the continuation of chain migration, without strict enforcement of E-Verify and without strong border security?

    Found some information on Dr. Virji, maybe you’re being fooled into thinking Islam respects women’s rights and LGBT rights? Please, justify supporting people who preach from the Koran and support death to all who reject Islamic faith.

    Today, I read online there are ‘no-go-zones’ in parts of London. Stephen Timms, Labour MP, said: “I’ve had a number of discussions with representatives of moped delivery drivers and they say there are now parts of London where their drivers are not willing to go because of the danger of attack.” Please, do more research.

    I also found that there are no locations in the USA that are currently preparing internment camps for Muslim immigrants or any immigrants (legal or illegal) for that matter. However, Linda Sarsour did tell Muslim Americans not to assimilate to Western Culture, I guess that could be considered a type of self-segregation.

    1. Hey KM,

      With all those who identify as Muslims I have known and been around over the years and there have been many never once did I sense any threatening behavior or extremist tendencies. They were pretty moderate everyday folks and devoted to their faith like many of us are devoted to ours and just living their lives like normal Americans.

      I remember the USS Cole and was outraged like many Americans and the US Embassy bombing in Africa with what happened by extremists. Not long after September 11th I was flying cross country from North Carolina to Silicone Valley/San Jose on a regular basis and the tension was high on those flights with everyone checking each other out for potential threats and a close friend and I talked how we would try to coordinate and resist and not just be lambs led to slaughter if the plane was hi-jacked.

      My question is are you judging with a broad brush an entire Religion and those who worship according to theeir faith based off the actions of an extremely small minority of extremists? These extremists at least from my understanding have distorted and weaponized their religion to serve their own agenda. These extremists are more like brutal criminals that actual followers of the Islamic faith. Many of those extremists have had criminal records which included drug use prior to doing whatever horrible acts before associating themselves with ISIS for example.

  7. …”devoted to their faith like many of us are devoted to ours”…
    There are major differences between, let’s say, Islam and atheism or Islam and Christianity. This is not a secret. Islam promotes the death of all who reject Muhammad and Sharia Law. People are beheaded, drowned, used as sex-slaves, run over by trucks, blown up at airports or on airplanes, acid thrown on them, are you getting the point?

    …”small minority of extremists?”…Tell me how a small minority of extremists have forced police stations to close down in Sweden towns? This is not a small minority. And, why will many of the Islamic activist NOT denounce the terrorist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood or Hamas?

    I am pleased to hear you have meet Muslims that have assimilated to American culture. We saw a Liberian refugee get elected in Helena, MT. This is a great example of assimilation. Many, many Muslim immigrants are not doing that and are being encouraged to segregate and commit “jihad”.

    …”Many of those extremists have had criminal records which included drug use prior to doing whatever horrible acts before associating themselves with ISIS for example”…
    Don’t do this to yourself. These “extremists” do not care about our laws, I bet they can’t even read our laws. How many drug or alcohol addicts are committing terrorist acts? They generally seem to be more self-destructive than destory-western-culture destructive. How many criminals, for that matter, are running people over? There is a trend and I hope you take the time to see it. I love immigration as long as it’s legal and followed with assimilation. This is not a bad thing, Americans First.

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