GOP Has South Dakota locked up in 2018, according to Smart Politics

Another reason that Tim Johnson may not give as much to Billie Sutton as Dems may hope… It’s already over according to many pundits.

From the University of Minnesota based Smart Politics:

In 2018, the GOP has a virtual lock on states like Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Wyoming which would put them, at a minimum, over the 30 percent mark across the 36 states to hold elections (with the party favored in several other states).

Read it here.

7 thoughts on “GOP Has South Dakota locked up in 2018, according to Smart Politics”

  1. I am very interested in supporting Billie Sutton’s campaign and feel that our state needs a change from a different perspective outside the governing party. Billie offers change but in a good way with a fresh start from all the scandals that our state has faced. Everyday South Dakotans can easily relate to him, his values, his legislative record and his character.

    If the circumstances were different he could easily be the front runner but with a state Democratic party broken in regards to infrastructure and dwindling numbers brought on a vocal group of activists that lack basic people skills and would seem more at home in the Bay area in California or Portland during a protest which really turn South Dakotans off. Billie’s campaign staff and supporters will have one heck of a challenge.

    Just this weekend the former Democratic candidate for state senate from my hometown of Aberdeen still cannot get over that a group of long time Democrats refused to vote for him and he called us traitors! He blew a gasket again! We voted for the best candidate which was someone we knew for years in our community and that we could trust being Al Novstrup. That behavior which is essentially being a political boat anchor is what drives people away from supporting a political party and its future candidates.

    All political parties have their extremists and hopefully the actions of a few within the SDDP will not negatively overshadow the Sutton for Governor campaign. Sutton for Governor 2018!

      1. I’m glad you are interested but it is well known the state Democratic party has been losing more reasonable moderates for some time. Independents and even Republicans looking for an alternative may find Sutton to be their candidate. The risk is the vocal extremists sabotaging once again any hope for success.

        1. Sutton appears to be the candidate of the common people from all three political groups (GOP, Dems, Indies). They could well put him over the top. He’s more conservative than many Republican office holders. This will be quite a race.

          1. Sutton may be more conservative than some Reps, some are pretty liberal, but he is more liberal than most of the Rep office holders, and much more liberal than Jackley and Noem.

  2. My opinion on all races is that it depends on who the GOP nominates and who the dems nominate.

  3. I cringe to the fact that SD is in with that list of states, except Tennessee and Idaho… I like those states.

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