Gov. Noem Launches Round Three of Freedom Works Here

Gov. Noem Launches Round Three of Freedom Works Here
“Building in America” Ad Invites Homebuilders to Move to South Dakota

PIERRE, S.D. – Today, Governor Kristi Noem and the Governor’s Office of Economic Development launched round three of Freedom Works Here, the most successful workforce recruitment campaign in South Dakota history. Round three launched with the “Building in America” ad, which features Governor Noem as a homebuilder inviting workers to move to South Dakota.

“South Dakota has the blueprint for success. Recently, we led the nation in new homebuilding,” said Governor Noem. “But we’re still growing so fast, we need to hire more builders to keep up.”

Spring represents the time of year when new home construction ramps up – as well as when families who are wrapping up the school year are considering making a move. That makes this the perfect time to launch round three of Freedom Works Here.

In the “Building in America” ad, Governor Noem explains that South Dakota has no state income tax and offers on-the-job apprenticeship training.

Freedom Works Here is the most successful workforce recruitment campaign in South Dakota history. Thousands and thousands of families have already moved to South Dakota, and thousands more are in the process of coming here.

These numbers represent those working directly through the “Freedom Works Here” program. Even more people are finding jobs and moving to South Dakota of their own accord after seeing the ads.

More information about the Freedom Works Here campaign can be found at


24 thoughts on “Gov. Noem Launches Round Three of Freedom Works Here”

  1. Thousands and Thousands of conspiracists like those who are giving back to their new home state like Rick Weibel, Robin Schiro who are running for office. Many many more are moving to South Dakota after being laughed at, rejected and run off from their communities and states. There may be some nefarious plot to just about everything even the most routine observations in our lives such as what appears to be city workers lifting a street manhole cover and spending hours in the sewer. Is that what they are really doing? Sewer work? You found a home where we celebrate and promote what some may see us as cutting edge and on the forefront.

    1. I agree with you. The most MAGA of MAGA is moving here.

      Dusty got 70k votes against Liz May and 70k votes against Taffy Howard.

      His total stayed the same yet Howard increased the total Liz May got to almost 50k votes.

      They only need to find another 10-15k people to move here since 2022 to change the elections in SD.

  2. Too bad the state’s a crap place to raise a family, with imploding school districts, floundering childcare options, and more sexual predators per capita than anywhere else in the midwest.

  3. Only 2.5 million more for the most successful advertising campaign EVER! Thousands and thousands of people are moving here because of the ads which is why GOED is calling around asking if anyone has employees that will say they moved here because of these GREAT ads. With thousands of them here already and thousands more coming it should just be a matter of time until we see those ads.

    Plus she got on Jesse Waters last night!!!

  4. Wait until these people get a property tax bill, at least in the other states you only pay taxes on the money you are earning. Our burden with property tax is more than our neighboring states, including the blue one! Nothing feels better than paying a monthly bill for something you own.

    1. Minnesota taxes far more than just “the income you are earning.” They just put a tax on delivery packages to your home, like Amazon. They just increased taxes on boat, snowmobile, and ATV Tabs. Vehicle registrations used to drop to a flat rate after 10 years and that has now been extended to 12 years. They are debating increasing the state Sales tax to create a fund for first time home buyers.

      I promise you, most working Minnesotans would gladly pay your property tax bill instead of their income taxes, user fees, and unfunded mandates paid in Minneaota.

      1. Are you brain dead? We literally were the state that put sales tax on online out-of-state ordering. SD v Wayfair.

        Maybe try shutting up and leaving governance to the grownups since you’re too stupid to be aware of your surroundings.

        1. before you whack others with the tax lessons, remember sd revenues depend heavily on property tax and SALES TAX. the sd vs wayfair decision needed to happen because evading the sales tax in SD has a fast and dire effect on the thing that keeps us from needing a state income tax.

          1. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a whack as much as it was a swing and a miss. The author is unaware of the “retail delivery fee” tax, and made a fool of themselves.

            I’m sure they won’t take their own advice about shutting up.

        2. I’m not brain dead. Minnesota is one of two states, Colorado being the other, that has a $0.50 retail delivery fee coming July 1. This tax has nothing to do with the Wayfair decision. It is an entirely different tax.

          You might want to brush up on Midwest tax policy before calling people idiots. Governing clearly isn’t your strong suit.

          1. You might want to compare the impact of a small-business exempt $.50 deliver fee on orders over $100 in MN and no tax on groceries vs. full taxation of groceries on the finances of a median household before choosing a pointless hill to die on.

  5. Thousands upon thousands are moving to South Dakota and many more are dreaming about it. A new report reveals that 80% of South Dakota’s surface water doesn’t meet state criteria for intended uses but that does not matter since regulations are woke! Worries about increased cancer rates ,chronic illness and illness as a result of repeated contact with our lakes, streams and rivers is woke too and you know how we feel about woke. Think of the booming career field in cancer treatments in South Dakota as nurse Noem hooks up to your port a treatment of Chemotherapy.

    Regulations are woke and we don’t like woke where freedumb works!

  6. Lowest paid nurses in the nation. Lowest paid teachers in the nation. Highest medical costs and worse medical outcomes, who wouldn’t want to move here?

  7. I’ve got an idea. Let’s just put these two sentences together… and see what happens…

    “Freedom Works Here is the most successful workforce recruitment campaign in South Dakota history. Thousands and thousands of families have already moved to South Dakota, and thousands more are in the process of coming here.”

  8. I’m puzzled. Where are these “thousands of families” moving to, exactly, which communities, other than Sioux Falls who still has massive in-migration from South Dakota’s small towns and cities, is enjoying a boom in population growth.

    1. They don’t exist.

      It’s a bunch of shell companies buying up properties to airbnb/vrbo, and then usual influx, plus some whack jobs pushing more people towards Sioux Falls and a smattering of other towns demonstrating this thinnest veneer of sanity.

    1. We have and coming back we don’t recognize what our state has become. It’s is like the being in a Republican Party unit in a state outside South Dakota and there would be that one member on the board who yells at clouds, consumed with conspiracies, talked of killing all Democrats, bigoted remarks and does not want his taxes to pay for anything like roads or fire departments. That member brings in their own coffee and breakfast to a small business coffee shop meeting room that we do not have to rent thanks to the owner and by the way this coffee shop sells all those things and the owner is rightfully ticked so we have to take care of the owner and apologize for the cheapskate idiot.

      The 2nd scenario that actually happened is that we had “normie” board members who’s purpose in this BPOU Republican Party unit was to help keep the crazies off the board besides their usual duties.

      We come back to our home state and see these nutcases and chaos grifters we tried to contain and keep out all move to South Dakota. Bad for our communities and state that get sandbagged. These are not the Republicans that we once looked up to as the city fathers that invested, donated and volunteered for the greater good of our communities and state. These are parasites that only think of themselves.

  9. TODAY: “Thousands and thousands of families have already moved to South Dakota, and thousands more are in the process of coming here. These numbers represent those working directly through the ‘Freedom Works Here’ program.”

    A FEW DAYS AGO: “Over 2,300 have worked directly with our job experts to begin the process – many are already here!”

    1. About as valid of a claim by Noem as the “World Famous Freedumb Burger” on billboards in Aberdeen before Scotty’s Diner even opened. The parking lot is empty most the time if the place is even open.

  10. Hmm. One minute they are talking about people responding to the “ads” and the next, they are talking about responses to the Freedom Works Here “program”… whatever that is.

    “These numbers represent those working directly through the Freedom Works Here program. Even more people are finding jobs and moving to South Dakota of their own accord after seeing the ads.”

    You know what they say… if their lips are moving…

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