Haters of GOP officeholders reporting Justin McNeal, Chris Sanders failed to make primary ballot

I don’t want to say I told you so.. but I told you so.

On the eve of the “transgender day of visibility”…  er, Easter, a facebook group, the so-called South Dakota Grassroots Conservatives, an organization which recruited people to run against incumbent Republicans last election – and is still attacking incumbents – is having a public freak out tonight and howling to their followers that neither Justin McNeal, who has been Republican for about 2 months, nor the even wackier Chris Sanders, made the ballot for the 2024 South Dakota Republican Primary for Congress.

According to their reports:

I kind of doubt that GOP troll Julie Korth is privy to any conversations that the Congressman may or may not have, especially considering she’s one of the driving forces behind this anti-GOP officeholder group.

But it would be breaking news that Justin McNeal failed to get on the ballot, due to a failure to get petition signatures from Republicans. But not terribly surprising, since he only became Republican in the middle of January.

Here’s more from the anti-GOP Officeholder group:

Interesting that Minnehaha County GOP Vice Chair Jennifer Foss seems to be so involved in trying to find challengers to incumbent Republican Congressman Dusty Johnson. I thought that was against the rules for GOP County Officers?

Chris Sanders not making the ballot wasn’t surprising, since his effort seemed like a clown car to start. But then again, neither was McNeal not making the ballot.

Signature collection is not as easy as a lot of people tend to think it is. I’ve been around the block a couple of times, and every once in a while involved with getting statewide signatures.

I can safely say that sometimes getting the petitions back, witnessed, notarized properly, and sent in can get down to the wire and problematic.

But don’t just take my word for it – ask Annette Bosworth, or Clayton Walker.

33 thoughts on “Haters of GOP officeholders reporting Justin McNeal, Chris Sanders failed to make primary ballot”

  1. It sound like the McNeal campaign fell victim to laziness. 85% is sometimes common for a valid signature rate, amateurs with no experience get closer to 75-80, Jordan Masons shotgun approach at getting a signature by any means possible get closer to 60%. This is where they all feel the pain of knowing that a couple more hours getting signatures could have saved them.

    1. Haha. She is mean. She has no business being a leader of the minehaha gop. I am fine that she doesn’t like Dusty Johnson he has not exactly been kristi noem and he still hasn’t endorse Trump. So it’s all understandable why a sizable group in the gop has a problem with him.

      But she needs to get her act together. She’s a basket case and she can he very mean.

  2. Petitions are a great way to test a candidate. Its the first task and it’s a clear task with one or two obscure requirements, like registered mail. Can they figure it out?

  3. Fair clean election advocates, they seem unable to operate under the rules to insure clean elections.

  4. The neat thing about most of these tin foil hatters, is that they often implode. Fail to get enough republican signatures. Mail it by the wrong method. Fail to observe the signatories (Dr. Bosworth, observing from Italy) and if they DO get into office, they smoke a dude walking on the shoulder carrying a flashlight. Or get into the legislature and demand dress codes like hosiery and skirt length. Or get into the legislature and lecture staffers about nursing their infant after taking a vaccine.

    Loud, dumb, and here for a while. Because eventually, they expose themselves for what they are. We are in the Time of Tin Foil Hatters whose greatest skill is wrecking the state and local party. (Dave Roetman, Shawn Tornow, et al.)

    Run on a lie, tell more lies, then fail and claim you were robbed. Hmmm….sounds familiar eh?

  5. “It is appalling and insulting that Joe Biden’s White House … formally proclaimed Easter Sunday as ‘Trans Day of Visibility,” former President Donald Trump’s campaign said in a statement. (CNN)

    I didn’t know that was a thing. And it falls on Easter this year. Interesting. Now… don’t forget to get your King Donald version of the Bible this Easter. It’s a “steal” at just $60.

    1. This is the first time Biden or any President has proclaimed such a day. It didn’t just “fall” on Easter.

      1. ‘Trans Day of Visibility,” has always been on March 31st and the Biden Administration always recognized it with all the hateful laws and rhetoric going on.

        Fake outrage by the extreme right once again.

      2. No, it isn’t. It’s been the same day for years, unlike Easter that changes yearly. More fake outrage to stir up the masses of idiots. Go buy another Trump Bible and support the grift.

      3. From Wikipedia… “International Transgender Day of Visibility is an annual event occurring every March 31 since 2009”

        So yes, it really does “fall” on Easter this year.

        1. I didn’t realize the country has an annual celebration of delusions.
          They should change the name though, and call it “The Emperor’s New Clothes Day.”

      4. This is such a clear, easily researched lie. Why is it so hard for so many commenters here to tell the truth?

  6. This entire cabal is incompetent. They should not be leading anything. They don’t know what it takes to win. Winning is what matters.

    Goal #1 needs to be to get better candidates.

    What a clown show.

  7. These people talk politics on Facebook and in chat rooms. None of them accomplish anything outside of a chat room.

  8. Nobody sane is going to challenge Dusty unless bankrolled by a PAC with a whole lot of money to throw away.
    Anybody with any sense at all can tell it’s a waste of time and money. It would only make sense to run if somebody else is paying you to do it.

    1. Dusty got lucky. Two years after taffy only needed 11,000 more votes to have defeated him he goes unopposed and still hasn’t endorsed trump.

      1. Taffy got lucky that her sleazy New Jersey billionaire friends dumped a few million in the race to lie about Dusty. Luckily money didn’t win, Dusty did.

  9. Earlier there had been that business of Chris Sanders trying to get people to circulate petitions without a valid declaration of candidacy.

    Now we can read that Julie Korth doesnt know anybody on Chris Sanders’ team. Isn’t becoming acquainted with a campaign team sort of important for an activist? Does he even have a team?

    So I looked at facebook. Sanders has a supporter named Victoria who posted on March 9 that “If you live in South Dakota, get out and vote for Chris Sanders. You can register to vote online.”


  10. First “they” stole the election from Donald Trump, now “they” are taking these names off the ballot. Those damn Dems!

  11. Just sayin’ – the SD republican party signed up for all of this. Outrage politics was convenient at the time, and they made that bed… Now, time to sleep in it. Perhaps I should buy one of those Lee Greenwood bibles for some guidance…

    What a grift…

    1. Doby Toeden farms outrage and that is all he has besides grifting bitcoin and promoting his addiction business. High school bully at Groton HS Biff Tannen to adulthood.

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