HB 1217 Style and Form veto resisted 67-2.. Where does the legislature go from here?

This morning, the House of Representatives rejected the Governor’s Style and form changes to the measure on a 67-2 vote, with only Rep’s Tidemann and Anderson joining the Governor’s position on the vote.

The question remaining is now, is where does the legislature go from here?

The Governor has been pretty clear about what she believes, which seems to indicate little interest in being any outside group’s legislative guinea pig for testing out legislation and the resulting boycotts and lawsuits.  And as far as her style and form rescissions, she took a pretty hard swipe at the parts that expanded government.

And she apparently underlined that position with an official full veto after it went back to her.

So, now the ball is back in the House’s court.

Stand by.

2 thoughts on “HB 1217 Style and Form veto resisted 67-2.. Where does the legislature go from here?”


    Communication might be an important first step.

    Obviously the bills sponsors and supporters thought they had a good bill that had the governors support because she tweeted that she looked forward to signing it after it passed both chambers.

    Had she not tweeted that I could see where the House and Senate would have been at the table all session trying to figure out how to get her support.

    A cooling off period would likely be best for all sides involved.

    1. yeah till January …. Noem cries they dont take up her marijuana stoppage bill and wants a special session but won’t sign this bill…leadership noem style my way or I am never talking to you again

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