Huether denied in raiding fund for pet projects. Including facility named for him.

From the Argus Leader, apparently Democrat Mayor Mike Huether isn’t getting everything he wants for Christmas, as a handpicked committee is still saying no to giving him permission to raise tourism coffers for pet projects:

Almost immediately the fund was targeted as an opportunity to fund other projects, though. Cindy Huether, the mayor’s wife, inquired about the possibility of using the money to build the Huether Family Match Pointe tennis center. Members of the Convention and Visitors Bureau-Business Improvement District board, which oversees the fund, said the project wasn’t an eligible use for the money.

Huether declined to comment Monday on the review committee’s recommendations, saying he needed more time to review them.

Steve Westra, chief operating officer for hotel owner Hegg Companies and a vocal critic who has questioned the need for the review, said the review committee was an unsuccessful “money grab” by the mayor. He said he appreciates that the committee isn’t recommending capital spending as a legitimate use for the fund.

“(The mayor) has taken several runs with trying to use dollars outside of what it’s intended for,” Westra said. “We get the sense that the mayor sees it as a road block.”

Read it here.

4 thoughts on “Huether denied in raiding fund for pet projects. Including facility named for him.”

  1. Trust me, those with counter views to his dictator style “leadership” have had it. I just hope the masses can see what a little man he really is. He’s committed Sioux Falls future mayors to his spending madness and has taken our once great bonding capacity and maxed out the credit card. If a future need arises our we struggle with a future downturn, your future tax dollars are all spent on his wants.

  2. You can tell the guy has an ego since his mug is on all those billboards purporting to spur business growth. What person is going to come to Sioux Falls because the mayor has his pic on a billboard!

    Also, why should publically-raised funds go to make a memorial to the Huether Family? Tell Mike’s wife that they can spend their own money on an unneeded tennis center.

  3. He will have another chance to get his hands on that money next session. There is a move sponsored by Deadwood and Rapid City interests to change the BID tax from the current $2.00 per room to a 3% additional sales tax on the room rate. That will generate significantly more money and attract more flies. Another tax for mayors to play around with.

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