I’m confused now. Democrat for Senate Thomas Werner files to be GOP Precinct Person.

Remember the chatter over Thomas Werner throwing his name in the ring to run as a Democrat in the District 15 State Senate race?

In fact, he has a website about the whole deal.


Welcome to the official campaign website of Thomas Werner. As a conservative candidate running in a predominantly Democrat district,  Thomas Werner is committed to representing the diverse needs and  values of our community. With a vision to bridge the partisan divide,  Thomas Werner is running as a Democrat for State Senate, bringing a fresh perspective and common-sense solutions to the challenges we face

Read that here.

Okay.. Ground rules set. Thomas running as a Democrat for State Senate.  I checked some recent voter info, as in the last few months, which shows him clearly registered as a Democrat.

But… Today I see the latest filings with the Secretary of State. And I am officially confused.

Thomas has registered to be a Precinct Committeeman for the Republican Party, representing Minnehaha County. I check the live voter registration information..

..And now he appears to be registered as a Republican.

Not sure what’s on his paperwork to run for Senate, but this is the first time I’ve seen someone advertising themselves as running as a Democrat for Senate, but registered as a Republican.

Not sure how primary voters are going to look at that one.

2 thoughts on “I’m confused now. Democrat for Senate Thomas Werner files to be GOP Precinct Person.”

  1. This is probably George Soros taking over the precinct men. It’s the first step in the Soros plan to take over SD GOP and the convention.

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