In case you were wondering if people really steal stuff from here….

Sometimes the best part of people stealing material straight off of your web site because they’re too lazy or incapable of doing much more than hitting the on-button, is that it’s pretty easy to add to the material after the fact. Such as changing the thumbnail image and adding annotations.


I just wish I could have added a RickRoll to the video I uploaded after the fact.

Psst…   (You can find the real video sent out with the release here)

6 thoughts on “In case you were wondering if people really steal stuff from here….”

  1. It sure seems like those folks over at the stoner blog could really benefit at least in their own minds from a new product coming out for the chronic conspiracy theorists and paranoid. They can still wear their tinfoil hats but be more discreet about it with Shield: Signal Proof Headwear Stylish & Comfortable Signal Proof Hats That Incredibly Fit And Reflect Electromagnetic Waves.

    If they can wear these new stylish & stealthy tinfoil hats and/or quit smoking that crap maybe they can stop being so crazy and further driving people away from the SDDP.

    1. C’mon, Lynn. It’s a known fact that more Republicans in SoDak smoke pot than Democrats.

      1. From the same source that 50% of all women in South Dakota are addicted to painkillers? Are you going to order one of those new Shield hats?

        1. Wrong. OVER 50% of women have abused pain pills, Lynn. Pretty close to home, huh? Tell us about “doctor shopping”. That’s an epidemic and hard to get away with isn’t it?

  2. As to the subject of the theft, that 18% petition. Can someone give me an instance that compares to the dishonesty of this petition? It caps interest rates at 18% when there is no written agreement stating otherwise.

    Gee. Let me think. How many loan’s will be written under the cap? We all know the answer.

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