Secretary of State Certifies 4th Ballot Measure – Amendment to the Constitution Limiting Ability to Set Statutory Interest Ratio for Loans

Secretary of State Certifies 4th Ballot Measure
Amendment to the Constitution Limiting Ability to
Set Statutory Interest Ratio for Loans

Pierre, SD – Today, Secretary of State Shantel Krebs announced that an Initiated Amendment to the Constitution Limiting Ability to Set Statutory Interest Ratio for Loans (18% rate cap) was validated and certified to be on the November 2016 general election ballot as a ballot measure the citizens will vote on. The sponsor turned in 63,772 signatures to the Secretary of state’s office. A Constitutional Amendment requires 27,741 signatures from South Dakota registered voters. Once the signatures were delivered to the Secretary of State’s office, a 5% random sampling was conducted. It was determined that 66.17% or 42,195 of 63,772 signatures were in good standing. This will be Constitutional Amendment U.

This is the fourth initiated measure to be approved by Secretary of State. A total of 8 measures were submitted for review. This office will continue the signature validation process of the remaining 4 measures in the order they were submitted to the Secretary of State. A total of 275,000 signatures were submitted among all petitions.

Those looking to challenge the Secretary of State’s certification of a ballot measure have 30 days from the date they are certified, which would be February 3, 2016.

6 thoughts on “Secretary of State Certifies 4th Ballot Measure – Amendment to the Constitution Limiting Ability to Set Statutory Interest Ratio for Loans”

  1. Did her press release really include a video message? And why does she say “measure” like that?

    1. We live in a multi-media news cycle which often includes audio and video (sometimes included in the same package). Crazy that an elected official would try and utilize this newfangled format

  2. Pat I know where you were going with the previous Blue Book posting; which I can’t seem to post on, but seriously it would be as much a dereliction of duty for any employee of the SOS’s office to call anything within that office “Theirs” as it would be for me to call one of the two District 23 House seats mine.

    1. Hm. I’m not sure why you can’t post there.

      You did see the part at the beginning of that post where I said I was saying ‘it was “mine” with tongue-in-cheek,’ didn’t you?

  3. Pat I was ribbing you. You did some great things with the Blue Book of which more then one remain in my office.

    Funky stuff still happening trying to post on that page. Nothing opens up for writing.

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