Is it Earth Day…. or murder & compost a loved one day?

When your kids are cleaning up a ditch, painting their faces and listening to speakers proclaiming earth day, you might want to consider the hippie liberal co-founder of the annual event…..who murdered his girlfriend and stuffed her in a trunk:

Ira Einhorn was on stage hosting the first Earth Day event at the Fairmount Park in Philadelphia on April 22, 1970. Seven years later, police raided his closet and found the “composted” body of his ex-girlfriend inside a trunk.


It wasn’t until 18 months later that investigators searched Einhorn’s apartment after one of his neighbors complained that a reddish-brown, foul-smelling liquid was leaking from the ceiling directly below Einhorn’s bedroom closet. Inside the closet, police found Maddux’s beaten and partially mummified body stuffed into a trunk that had also been packed with Styrofoam, air fresheners and newspapers.

After his arrest, Einhorn jumped bail and spent decades evading authorities by hiding out in Ireland, Sweden, the United Kingdom and France. After 23 years, he was finally extradited to the United States from France and put on trial. Taking the stand in his own defense, Einhorn claimed that his ex-girlfriend had been killed by CIA agents who framed him for the crime because he knew too much about the agency’s paranormal military research. He was convicted of murdering Maddux and is currently serving a life sentence.

Although Einhorn was only the master of ceremonies at the first Earth Day event, he maintains that Earth Day was his idea and that he’s responsible for launching it.

Read it all here.

“Happy compost your loved one” day!

2 thoughts on “Is it Earth Day…. or murder & compost a loved one day?”

  1. We don’t need no stinkin hippie “Eaaaarrrth Day”– anymore than we need then stinkin hippies strutting, yelling and burning and looting cause they say we need more sceneince– We had too much seincis for too long

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