Joe Biden’s ASL Interpreter needs extra duty pay

9 thoughts on “Joe Biden’s ASL Interpreter needs extra duty pay”

  1. Why on earth does anyone use a sign language interpreter anymore for these events? For us viewing at home, the closed caption option is easy-peasy.

    1. Wow, only the 2nd post and hijacking the thread by the LEFTWINGLOONS.

      Don’t look at Biden, look over here at the shiny object.

      1. So, your assertion is that pointing out the blatant hypocrisy of this post as it pertains to the current President makes someone a “LEFTWINGLOON?”

        Trump on windmills:

        I never understood wind. I know windmills very much, I have studied it better than anybody. I know it is very expensive. They are made in China and Germany mostly, very few made here, almost none, but they are manufactured, tremendous — if you are into this — tremendous fumes and gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right?

        Tellingly, Pat is kinda quiet.

        1. Dude, the point the person above made was pretty straight forward, stay on topic. BIden cannot form a sentence and obviously has diminished mental capacity. This is why we say people like you have TDS as this has NOTHING to do with Trump but, you just cannot help yourselves. Pretty pathetic and childish to constantly feel the need to interject Trump into everything.

          1. Yes, it is so weird that when people intimate that Biden is too incoherent to be President, others provide evidence that the other candidate is too.

            What’s even funnier is that you claim people are “injecting” Trump into a discussion about the presidential election. No, it’s not like he has anything to do with it at all. It’s also funny that rather than being willing to discuss it, you just deflect. Pretty transparent, but I think most people can see what you are doing.

    2. I would look at the polls and the enthusiasm gap; the socialists are getting desperate. I think most Americans realize that Joe is a buffoon who hasn’t accomplished much in his 40 plus years except taking an unearned paycheck from the public.

      I would guess that a lot of people are looking at what the dems are doing and asking if they want their kids to live in the crappy type of country the dems are trying to bring about.

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