What was the quote from Animal House?
I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part!
Well, take that, Chairman Wiik. Because failed Congressional hopeful, and someone who was being investigated for a possible felony related to his petitions, Justin McNeal is taking his revenge against Real Republicans. And he got us back good now! Because according to the FEC, he’s forming the “Bull Moose Party.”
BullMooseMcNeal-202405089645562384 by Pat Powers on Scribd
Not sure what he’s going to do with that. Maybe he can raise a whole $10 by the end of the year, and by gosh, show us.
It kind of reminds me when Lora Hubbel went over to the Constitution party. And broke it.
I don’t think he’s got much in common with TR.
…they both have the letters t and e somewhere in their names?
I thought the Bull Moose Party was a bunch of liberal radicals, back in the day, sort of the long-haired, demon-weed smoking hippies of the 1920s. I suppose it’s right to return in the 2020s. Probably not righter-than-right.
stick a fork in him, he’s done