KELO Radio covers the SDDP/Clinton campaign controversy. “Business as usual…” “Going to do it again.”

Todd Epp from KELO Radio covered the big story on the Hillary Victory Fund dumping over 2.25 Million into the SDDP for laundering, only to be returned to the Hillary Clinton Campaign, coming after the Politico Donna Brazile story where the former Democrat Chairwoman called the practice unethical:

State Republican leaders call it money laundering for the Hillary Clinton for President campaign.

The South Dakota Democratic Party says the nearly two and a half million dollars that circulated through the state party in 2016 is business as usual.

The state’s Democratic Party got caught up in the firestorm of former Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile’s book excerpt in Politico this morning. Brazile essentially accused the Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign of usurping the DNC–including fundraising.

South Dakota was one of 32 states that was part of a joint fundraising agreement with the DNC. Brazile suggests it was a dodge to get around campaign donation limits for individuals versus higher limits for contributions to political parties.


“It is unprecedented that a national presidential campaign send over $2.25 million to a South Dakota political party for purposes of washing funds to make them “legal” to return to the candidate,” said S.D. GOP Chair Dan Lederman. “It also shows how much their party was controlled by Hillary Clinton.”

Read it all here.

The thing you need to listen to is the audio of the interview with SDDP Executive Director Sam Parkinson, as he justifies the practice since Democrats consider it ‘business as usual,’ and admits that they are “going to do it again.”

Yes, political parties are going to conduct joint activities with their national parent. But the Democrat’s extreme money laundering aspect of it – passing 2.25 Million – through a local political party for purposes of avoiding campaign finance limits is unheard of, and utterly unprecedented in South Dakota.

And it deserves all the scrutiny that it has placed Democrats under.

38 thoughts on “KELO Radio covers the SDDP/Clinton campaign controversy. “Business as usual…” “Going to do it again.””

  1. Tucker Carlson interviewed a Sanders campaign worker who let slip a reference to the same thing (the rigging? the party takeover? The money laundering? ) happened in the Obama campaign (which one? 2008? 2012?)
    Carlson let it slide and didn’t ask her for clarification.

    1. Very interesting, one would hope that there is one good investigative journalist left that would do some digging.

  2. Of course Sam said they would do it again- Its their only reason for existing and keeping the doors open. They have become like a drug lord’s strip joint to launder their cash.

  3. C’mon, Powers. Republicans have constructed and maintain one of the top five most corrupt USA states and you fake being appalled when Democrats LEGALLY dip their toes into the cesspool that Republicans skinny dip in daily? Where’s your dignity, Patrick?

    1. This is the kind of nonsense we get from someone who has never lived in Illinois, New Jersey, Georgia, or any of the other states where organized crime has been elevated to a religion or at least a performance art form.

          1. Governor George Ryan. Gov.Bagojevich, US Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, US Rep. Mel Reynolds, Gov. Dan Walker. To many to mention. These are just a few.

  4. Mikey, when your house comes down, your smugness will bite you. First, saying everyone is doing it isn’t an excuse and as my mother said “at least you are admitting you did something wrong.”

    Second, and more importantly, DNC is looking more and more like a criminal enterprise and it appears people are prepared to throw the Clintons under the bus. What is interesting is there is a law firm that is suddenly in the middle of everything: The joint agreement, the money laundering, procuring and being the pass-thru payer of the Fusion GPS Russian dossier, assisting with the obtaining of the FISA warrants to unmask Trump campaign people, defending on the home server, and trying to keep law enforcement from investigating the IT employee at DNC now investigated for being affiliated with terroists.

    Mikey, that is one really long list all passing through one law firm. Of course, they’ll start out having client-attorney privilege UNTIL they have proof the lawyers aided and abetted the commission of a crime. Then, it will be one bit poop storm.

  5. Just a moment to thank Troy, Pat, Trump and “The Dupes” for aiding we national Dems in the martyrization of America’s next President, Bernie Sanders. She really did him a nasty, huh? No doubt we ALL need to stand behind his integrity and progressive ideas!! Keep up the cause, boys.

    1. No problem Mike. And I thank you for nominating Hillary who will likely bring down literally hundreds of office holders and ensure the re-election of Donald Trump.

  6. What’s been done is done but there are sincere efforts within the Minnesota DFL and national Democrats that are trying to stop these practices and get dark/Big money out of the campaigns. It is one of the many battles being fought within those party entities. I don’t know about the Republican National and the state Party and where they are at with this particular issue.

    I do know of one returning SDDP candidate that intentionally plans to spend hardly any money on his campaign for the legislature and just work his tail off. He has the financial means but is trying to prove a point. He is well known and liked in his community with a successful business background. It will be hard to win and he knows that but we will see what happens.

  7. Pat, didn’t you do a blog story about this last year, when the 2.25 million was first reported by the SDDP? I believe you asked what this is all about. Well, here is your answer.

    This is a loophole that needs to be closed. And both Parties are known to use it. But like my bumper sticker says on my car….”Don’t Blame Me, I Voted for Bernie”…..

    1. You’re a socialist? Interesting, didn’t you once mention the desire to reveal your true feelings as a conservative;)

      I suspect you’ll soon get what you want. The DNC will slowly but surely morph into the Socialist Party… if Bernie can hold on that long.

      1. How is my number one fan doing? I believe my “conservative” comment was in the context of life as a Christian who was required to vote Democratic in order to achieve good health care for all, a living wage, and quality public education for all. So with that list, you do find yourself allying with socialists from time to time, I must admit. But I would take a socialist over a communist any day…. 😉

        Oh yah, and you say “Socialist Party?” We should all be more concerned about the Communist Party, I mean the Republican Party, in this country thanks to “The Donald” and Vladimir. I wonder what Ron Reagan would think of those two? (The Christian one, not the atheist one.)

        1. You mean, your number one troll;) Always hoping to show you the error in your ways…

          Have you seen articles about young girls in Venezuela prostituting themselves for food? Is that the type of living wage you support? That is your hope for our country? Certainly not mine; Trump is not going to starve us to death.

          EC, what’s happened to you? You use to be tougher than this. When I think of the Communist Party, NY mayor De Blasio comes to mind and he certainly isn’t a Republican.

          I know it’s difficult to let go of Trump-Russia ties, it’s been a year now and there’s still no evidence of collusion. How long did it take for evidence to prove Hillary and Russia corruption?

  8. Right, EC. – Troy J – Crooked Hillary is long gone. Your problem is Comrade Trump and his Russian strippers, election fraud and lying under oath. Bernie ‘s like Honest Abe compared to those two. No re-election. Maybe impeachment and resignation. LOL

    1. Mikey, you never lived in Vermont, either.
      When I lived there, Patrick Leahy’s father-in-Law was the Chittenden County Boss and the Corruption in the police department was finally unraveled by federal narcotics agents and the Burlington Fire Dept. And Leahy, the States Attorney who never thought anything need to be investigated, was sent into exile in the US Senate, never to return.
      Knowing that Vermonters sentence undesirables to exile in Washington DC, I have always wondered why they sent Bernie Sanders there.

  9. Annie Annie Annie … Do you just say anything that pops into your mind, without research? It’s a lying trait known to New Englanders, I’ve noticed.
    It’s none of your business but I’ve lived in Brattleboro, Stowe, Weston, made cheese in Grafton one summer and worked in gov’t in Montpelier before moving to DC.
    PS … Trump lied under oath in Federal court numerous times before he best Crooked Hillary and the cases haven’t completely closed.
    Your “old people” stories are great. Tell them while you can still remember.

    1. Well if you lived in Vermont you should know how Leahy got booted to the US Senate. I was there, living in Burlington when it happened.
      And since you have chosen to identify yourself as Mikey-hates-everything. From the Life cereal ads, I don’t know how I am supposed to have done any research on you. All I know is, you are a chickenshit who doesn’t want to identify himself.

        1. Ok: Leahy’s father-in-Law was the Boss or Godfather or whatever you wanted to call him, of Chittenden County, and Leahy was the States Attorney. A major conflict of interest.
          During that time, corruption was rampant within the Burlington Police Department. Complaints were ignored.
          A woman called the police and reported her husband was going to rob a liquor store, so officers caught him, handcuffed his hands behind his back, and blew his brains out, in that order. Leahy refused to order an investigation. Didn’t think there was anything to see there.

          The police called the fire dept to assist with the capture of a juvenile who was on the roof of a tall building, throwing tiles onto the street below. The firemen caught the kid, brought him down to the street and turned him over to the police. Then they watched, horrified, while the police beat the shit out of him. The firemen filed a formal complaint of police brutality, Leahy did nothing.

          All this while there were multiple marijuana arrests made by the same undercover officer, and the defendants all told the same story: they were framed. Nobody believed them, until the same officer tried to arrest two undercover federal narcotics agents. Then it all blew up.
          So the people of Vermont decided Leahy had to go. Nobody could stand him, but we voted for him, just to get rid of him. He’s been in Washington ever since. He’s a real sleaze. He belongs in a swamp.

            1. Haha do you remember the flapdoodle when Dick Cheney told Pat Leahy to “go F— yourself?” And while some people tried to make a scandal out of it, others said that given that Cheney said it to Leahy and not anybody else, it was acceptable. If he had said it to anybody else it would have been very inappropriate, but he said it to Leahy, so he got a pass.
              Nobody in the swamp likes Leahy either, it seems.

              Too bad Mikey here, who claims to know lots about Vermont, is unaware of all this.

  10. Thanks for the heads up Jaa Dee. I’ll get my donation off to the RNC tomorrow.

    BTW, the parties have traditionally paid such bills of the President. The only exception I can think of is the DNC didn’t pay Bill Clinton’s bills related to women who charged him with rape. He had to set up a legal defense fund for that.

    1. If the DNC had paid for H. Clintons IF she had been elected you people would have been doing exactly what you are doing concerning the DNC now—- I know you people cannot grasp the concept of or the meaning,…..but again look up the word hypocrisy—- How many women have accused your p—- grabber “glorious leader” with sexual transgressions?—- Look up the word hypocrisy—AGAIN.

      “the parties have traditionally paid such bills of the President.” and you don’t have a problem with doners paying for one that claims he is so rich he doesn’t know how rich he is—- Plleeassee all of you people send him your last dime left over after sending money to the TV evangelical hacks…. It still amazes me that the top requirements of being one of you people is blind gullibility .defended by hypocrisy.

    2. Remind me, what are the charges facing Clinton? Trumps campaign manager is facing 12 charges, one of which is conspiracy against the USA.—- Tell me what you would have said if that had been Obamas adviser and manager? Tell me, how many lies could Obamas AG could have told on forms and before congressional committees without you people demanding his resignation…..Tell me how many lies Obama and his people could have told about Russia connections before you people were screaming traitor and impeachment..

      You people whine about the loser, but if she had been elected you would have for months been screaming traitor and impeachment….. Any trump that denies that knows just like everybody else, they are lying—- Look up that word again….. try to comprehend its meaning.

      1. Those charges are from prior to working on Trump’s campaign. You don’t have very reliable sources.

        Obama’s AG was corrupt and should’ve resigned several times. Something about stopping investigations into Fast and Furious or how about evidence of pay-to-play with B.Richardson and Holder not prosecuting him?

        Recently I read a riveting piece (The Weekly Standard) about how Obama hid documents so to further the lie that Al Qaeda was destroyed after bin Landen was killed. That was to help aid in his reelection.

        I know how desperately you want the deep, dark corruption that exists in your party to be in the RNC, but it’s just not. I’d suggest screaming helplessly at the sky on Nov. 8th, many Liberals will be participating. This activity may help relieve the pressure in your brain.

  11. Wow, jaa Dee, take a breath! There are plenty of charges that should be brought against the whole Hillary cabal, if only the justice Dept had the willingness to do so..

  12. “Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to violate the DNC’s obligation of impartiality and neutrality through the Nominating process. All activities performed under this agreement will be focused exclusively on preparations for the General Election and not the Democratic Primary,” the memo states.
    “Further we understand you may enter into similar agreements with other candidates,” it continues.

  13. Jaa Dee,

    You are flat out nuts. I couldn’t care less if the DNC paid to defend Barack Obama for getting a traffic ticket. People in public office get targeted (legally or personally) with lawsuits just because they are in public office. I have no problem with their legal defense fund being a party expense (if the party is willing to do it) regardless of party.

    Thanks for citing the agreement Jaa Dee. After what Brazille just released outlining all the primary benefits which accrued to Hillary, it is obvious once again the Clinton’s word isn’t worth the paper it is printed on.

    I appreciate all this research you are doing for me.

  14. Leer,

    I don’t remember saying it didn’t exist and maybe I didn’t believe the evidence. I don’t recall. Show me what I said and thought and I’ll accept that. But, today, we know it exists, Hillary’s campaign paid for it, most of the dossier has been discredited and most of what is not discredited is, while no evidence, because you can’t prove a negative, AND it may have been the basis for unmasking of Americans surveilled without a warrant.

    If that last point doesn’t scare the heck out of you, I don’t know what to say since a foundation of American civil rights is not being surveilled without a warrant.

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