More on the SDDP McGovern Day Revolt: “SD Dems Resist Change, While SD GOP Promotes Openness”

“SD Dems Resist Change, While SD GOP Promotes Openness In Ramkota Rendezvous”

That’s an awesome headline to read, especially coming as it has from South Dakota Public Broadcasting, as they cover the debacle that was the 2017 McGovern Day Dinner, and it’s counter programming of the event by the  David Horowitz book signing by Republicans.

Former US House candidate Paula Hawks says there’s a riff between two factions.

“Folks who are in that older subset who are comfortable with the way things have always been going and they’re comfortable with the way they’ve always done things and they want to move on in such a fashion,” Hawks says. “Then you have that faction of people who are younger, that 20 to 35 year old group who really want to see movement and who want to see action. They don’t want to talk about things ad infinum.”


After several hours of debate, changes to the party’s constitution were tabled… even though it appeared they had the numbers to pass them.

Read that here.

A riff between two factions?  For Dems, I think their riff is more of a slow strum. The attempt at a palace revolt that was put down by their queen, Ann Tornberg, doesn’t sound like it’s over yet, which means the drama from the Democrats is going to go on for some months as we move farther into the 2018 election cycle.

In the meantime, as you might take from the headline, Republicans had nice press in the article:

Following his election to party chair, Lederman says the GOP’s focus turns to attracting younger voters.

“The millennial generation believes in community and they believe in inclusiveness. That’s what the Republican Party is about,” Lederman says. “It’s about allowing people to have the freedoms of religion, and allowing people to keep more of their tax dollars. We promote free speech and being able to speak your mind. I think that that will resonate with young people. The question is how, or what medium do we use to get that message to them.”


The Republican’s Freedom Rally and the Democrats’ McGovern Day happened at the same time on the same date in the same place. Yet the objectives differ.

McGovern Day is the Democrats’ flagship statewide fundraiser. The Freedom Rally targets the GOP base. Politicians from both sides used the competing events against one another. Democrats criticized the Republican’s guest, and Republican’s criticized the Democrats for closing off McGovern Day activities to the press.

Read it here.

And Dan is right. the GOP has always been the party of freedom.  At the same time Democrats close their doors to pick their kings and queens.

14 thoughts on “More on the SDDP McGovern Day Revolt: “SD Dems Resist Change, While SD GOP Promotes Openness””

  1. I attended the Freedom Rally and was met by friendly college students who ran the registration table. There were lots of young people who attended which is nice to see at a GOP event.

      1. I knew what ad infinitum meant, but I didn’t know if Hawks made up a new latin phrase with her “ad infinum”. Thanks, though.

        However, I guess it could be just as possible that SD Public radio got it wrong, because they also have “riff”, instead of “rift”, unless Hawks actually said “riff” and it was her error in speechifying. She’s wrong about so many things that I guess this would just be one more to add to the list.

  2. SDGOP claim to openness that I can agree being open to the public in the past event for a nominal fee and definitely open to the press. Is it too far of a stretch to say the SDGOP is inclusive? LGBTQ? Muslims? Refugees?

    1. Republicans are the party if ideas, not identity politics and division. If you THINK, not feel, think the following :
      1 – Limited government – The government that governs least governs best
      2 – Individual liberty and responsibility
      3) – Strong military
      4) – Personal responsiblity
      5) – Federalist govt. That means government should be closer and more local to the people, less Washington DC and more city hall. Decentralized government

      Then you are a Republican, no matter who you are.

      “A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.” Thomas Jefferson (from before the GOP existed, but it sums up the philosophy neatly)

      “We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions. ” Ronald Reagan

      “Man is not free unless government is limited.” Ronald Reagan

      Free enterprise, individual opportunity, limited government. They made America great; only they can keep America strong. – Reince Priebus

      “A limited government is much more likely to be a competent government.” – Ron Disantus

      Democrats want to divide people by color, creed, origin, class and geography.

    2. Neither party is inclusive. That is why we are suppose to pick a side and call the other side evil. It is the Divide and Rule process being pushed by the oligarchy.

  3. Now with my position on both parties not being inclusive, that then moves the discussion to which party is the most exclusive. By making that very argument (both sides are wrong), Heidelberger screams “false equivalency” and then bans me from commenting. I am still allowed to comment on this web site, but I heard others are not allowed. Inclusive is an utopian state that the political environment will never be able to achieve. And again, that is what the oligarchy wants.

    1. I don’t think Pat bans anyone from commenting. If someone can’t post, they likely need to refresh their browser. Sometimes my comment doesn’t post, and the reason is always a technical issue on my end.

      1. Generally correct. There’s only 3 or 4 who have been banned, and that’s because they can’t follow the rules after being warned against bigotry, profanity, obscenity, and just generally being an ass.

        Unfortunately, some people can’t take a hint, and a string of trolling hate does nothing to enhance the comment section of the website.

    2. Steve, as I noted to brisco, I generally leave it wide open. Banning is pretty rare.

  4. Sibby you could start your own political party or a coalition to work within a party. The Siblicans or Sibbycrats? 🙂

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