Noem to Host First Bill Signing Ceremony Thursday

Noem to Host First Bill Signing Ceremony Thursday

PIERRE, S.D. – Governor Kristi Noem today announced that she will host her first bill signing ceremony on January 31 at 12pm. Noem will sign into law SB47, which further protects the Second Amendment rights of South Dakotans by allowing constitutional carry. Following Noem’s signature, the bill will go into effect July 1.

“Our Founding Fathers believed so firmly in our right to bear arms that they enshrined it into the Constitution,” said Noem. “Tomorrow, I will sign SB47 into law. This constitutional carry legislation will further protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding South Dakotans.”

WHAT: Governor Noem to Host First Bill Signing Ceremony Thursday

WHEN: Thursday, January 31, 2019 – 12pm CT

WHERE: South Dakota State Capitol Rotunda


4 thoughts on “Noem to Host First Bill Signing Ceremony Thursday”

  1. I am glad to see this happening. Unlike the anti-2nd amendment republicans and democrats who continue to work to keep arms away from the law abiding citizens of South Dakota.

  2. Lora Hubbel
    12 mins
    Im going out on a limb here. We were duped by the so-called “Constitution Carry” gun law. Remember when Thune was spanked because he pushed “Constitutional Carry” and it really was just putting all gun owners on a Federal meta data base so we can be easily “targeted” as a “wackos”. There is NOTHING in this bill that is even remotely “Constitutional Carry!” This is more about control than it is about Constitutional carry. Prove me wrong…

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