NRA Rankings for Primary starting to slip out there..

Noticing a few of the NRA Primary election rankings are starting to slip out there tonignt.

In my Home District 7, they went down the line.. A,B & C..

In District 23, A’s went around to several of the candidates:

In Rapid City, David Johnson did well against Janet Jensen in his race for District 33 senate…

And Jessica Castleberry was given an A and chosen over her opponent, Kevin Quick, a drug felon (who had been given suspended imposition of sentence)  who only earned an “A qualified.”

Which leads one to the question… Is he even allowed to own a gun?  (Maybe that’s what the whole q thing is about.)

Anyone else getting their NRL-PVF ratings for the primary? Drop me a note here.

Update: On 5/9, District 33 Candidate Janet Jensen pointed out her rating has been amended:

14 thoughts on “NRA Rankings for Primary starting to slip out there..”

  1. Given District 7 is a typical left-leaning university town, a poor NRA rating bodes well for Reed’s re-election.

  2. Why would you want a good grade from a russian money laundering organization?

      1. What a great comment . If you repeat a lie long enough, people will believe it. Unfortunately, lot of people believe that. The media does’t care about investigative journalism. They just repeat a lie about the Trump Russia-collusion template and run with it.

      1. No, no, no, Dave. The Clintons and Obummers were tougher on Russia than Trump is, don’t ya’ know. That’s what’s in the New Yawk Times, the toilet paper or record for the socialists in this country.

        The Clinton foundation only does good, like giving daughter Chelsea a 6 figure income for doing nothing.

        1. You mean like Noem and her family members? What does any of this have to do with the shady NRA? Are you trying to justify an American organization taking Russian money because your enemies do? Condemn them all!

  3. Not hard to find ratings on the candidates that have previously served.

    Right to Life rates Post at 100% and Reed at 83% for 2019-20. Tidemann 60% 2017-18.

    Additionally, American Conservative Union rates Tidemann at 22%, 38%, 40%, 45%, 46%, 53% and 59% for the various years he’s served.

  4. Continued from above:

    Also, for comparison purposes, Reed garnered ratings from the American Conservate Union of 62% and 67% in 2019-20; 73% by ther NRA, and 67% by the Family Heritage Alliance. Reed is also the only candiate of the three that is endorsed by the gay and lesbian alliance.

    Post garnered a 93% rating from the NRA, and a 100% rating from the Family Heritage Alliance.

  5. I probably have more guns then all of the commenters on this article combined and I would never send a single dollar to the NRA. They represent manufacturers and not gun owners. They are about selling guns, even if it means irresponsibly. And yes, they are flush with Russian cash so I don’t deal with commies. Other Russian relationships aren’t needed to downplay that fact.

    1. You probably have the biggest wee-wee too, but what does that have to do with anything. 3:25?

      1. Really, resorting to a childish taunt, rather than responding to the issue? Oh, wait, that’s how Dear Leader does it, right?

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