Old home day on United Airlines 4779

My wife and I stepped on the flight to Sioux Falls a minute ago, and who do we run into,  but 1992 GOP US Senate Candidate Charlene Haar, who challenged US Senator Tom Daschle that election. 

When I was in Rapid City as Pennington County GOP Director, my wife worked on Char’s campaign as the Haar campaign west river person.

Char has become an expatriate in recent years, living in London where her daughter Elizabeth and her family lives. 

It was great catching up for a bit. Char’s back in the states for Easter with her family, and she is just as kind and gracious as she always was, and she looks great.

3 thoughts on “Old home day on United Airlines 4779”

  1. If they tell you your flight is overbooked? Put your hands in the air and don’t make any sudden moves! Take whatever they offer, avoid a beating, and deplane!

  2. Their methods may be unconventional but watch how quiet and well behaved everyone acts on your next United flight. 😉

  3. I also remember Lon Clementson (sp?), Char Harr’s campaign manager. He ended up taking a position with the American Automobile Association’s DC chapter. I remember our mutual surprise when we met at a AAA reception at the DC corporate headquarters.

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