Patrick Schubert, who ran but didn’t make the ballot for US Senate in 2022, now filing paperwork to run for Congress in 2024.

Patrick Schubert, who ran for US Senate against Senator John Thune for about 10 minutes in the 2022 has apparently set his sights on the 2024 Congressional race.

Schubert Congress by Pat Powers on Scribd

Schubert of Box Elder, who announced his candidacy for US Senate around this time in 2021 via a overly long and rambling press release, has been living in Rapid City for the last decade, and managed to raise around $1200 in his run against Senator Thune. However, Schubert failed to collect sufficient signatures to get on the ballot, and was done by the end of March in 2022.

I imagine he’s going to do about the same in this election.

13 thoughts on “Patrick Schubert, who ran but didn’t make the ballot for US Senate in 2022, now filing paperwork to run for Congress in 2024.”

      1. This is correct.

        You know me.

        I am not a politician. Just not an operative.

        I’m a philosopher.

        But as I work my way through our woefully inadequate system (some of the fruit is so low hanging and simple that the only thing that makes sense is subversion and corruption), I pick up a few things here and there.

        As I’ve met a lot of candidates and elected officials and get to know them, I’m developing an intuitive sense for the practical, the ideal, and some very good platforms that are on the bubble of one or both (the ideal or the practical).

        I think Howard is a vibrant, intelligent, motivated, and experienced person that is an asset to SD, but her team missed the overton window and failed to capture the imagination of the electorate.

        Dusty is dynamic and interesting. He listens and responds to emails, but he is not a lap dog. He continues engaging with people that don’t agree with him. He’s DEFINITELY not perfect (sorry Johnson, deal with it you must), but he’s also a great example of how to conduct a campaign.

        Now, we need to work on the medical care aspects of his actual term and voting record. I think some of his fact sets have been too tailored and are not trustworthy (it’s an ongoing conversation between Dusty and I that we haven’t picked-up in awhile, but I’d like to have him on the program to understand them now that we have hind sight on the issues we were debating in 2020, 2021).

        For anyone who has entered the arena and tried their best, regardless of the outcome, regardless of party or platform, you have my admiration and respect.

    1. A great figure divorced of all context. She got trounced by roughly 20 percent. Next mind bogglingly dumb point?

  1. I won’t vote for libs or at least modern libs but I’m wondering just how conservative Rep. Johnson really is. He seems a bit too eager to cross the aisle to appease his leftist colleagues and was one of the few “conservatives” to vote for the J6 commission. According to the FBI’s initial report, there was no insurrection, yet he apparently felt they were wrong. It sounds like he may have an axe to grind over President Trump or he wouldn’t have supported this witch hunt.

    1. he’s obviously not conservative enough for you, so we get your point. here’s a thought – james carville constantly accused the gop of bringing a witch-hunt against bill clinton – and yet we had a blue dress with sperm, and adequate provenance for both and slickster went through a legal wringer for it. slick went to all lengths to protect himself and avoid trouble, and took all the smart advice he could get, and still to this day he lost his law license and lives under ancould of various suspicions that will never go away.
      what do we do with trump, who was so secure in his sense of personal invulnerability that he constantly ignored / ignores expert advice on all topics, especially his legal defense in these matters? when you are caught on the record explicitly arranging your own plausible deniability, you don’t have deniability. you have to be arrogantly proud of conspiratorial behavior to stand firmly by trump’s side. so own it and if dusty feels differently that’s fine with the rest of us.

      1. “slick went to all lengths to protect himself and avoid trouble, and took all the smart advice he could get”

        I don’t think lying under oath would be something any attorney would recommend and that’s why he got impeached.

        1. he followed counsels’ advice AND he continued to make each sentence he said mean two opposite things, which was his habit.

  2. I would like to see Patrick go on a public hard talkin’ gritty swearing campaign .. really explore the entire set of swear words. Go Patrick! 😀

  3. I think Taffy’s team used to many tired strategies and paradigms, and whiffed a hugely obvious disposition and timbre in the platform.

    It was really campaigning by the numbers.

    I mean .. I had 30,000 unique ip addresses visiting Plains Tribune .. mostly figureheads, military, law enforcement, and elected officials. We had momentum and credibility after interviews with John McAfee, Leo Zagami, Tara Volesky (I disagree with her on many things, which always makes for a great interview), and many others that I won’t bother listing out for brevity.

    My work is respected, my interviewing style is dynamic and respectful (no gotchas). Yet, neither Jordan nor Taffy came on the program.

    They came off the battle field with a LOT of unspent ammo.


    I think they were afraid we would get popular and compete with their media interests.

    Yet, we were already wildly popular (mp3’s ripped through back channels).


    1. ms howard most recently ripped trump a new one, for cravenly allowing himself to be used by the sdgop for their own promotional purposes. she’s a fiery one.

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