Pre-primary reports are starting to be posted by the Secretary of State’s office, especially for those that were filed early. But, is there such a thing as being too early?
According to the Secretary of State’s website, reports should be filed as follows:
- Deadline: Fifteen days prior to the primary election.
- What needs to be reported: All transactions from the last submitted report through May 15, 2024. (my emphasis)
- Who files: ALL statewide candidates & statewide elected officials, legislative candidates and county candidates (only if there is a race in that office in the district or county), statewide political parties, statewide political action committees and statewide *ballot question committees.
Ok. For activity through May 15th. Then why was District 14 candidate Tony Kayser signing off on a report on April 26th?
To this point, the only question that came up about Tony Kayser to me was a commercial property owner asking me “who is this Kayser guy who is putting his signs on my property without asking?” (Yes, that does upset commercial property owners).
But this one is weird. How can you sign off on your report about 2 1/2 weeks early without knowing what you might receive in donations? Even more interesting is the report itself, and an item that leaped out at me:
Tony Kay Ser pre-primary report by Pat Powers on Scribd
The dude is claiming $159.30 in campaign yard sign expenses in his mostly self-funded campaign?
A number of weeks back, I personally was picking up a load of signs from the sign production house, and had to jockey for position at the door with someone else who was loading a pickup truck load of signs, whom I did not recognize. I caught it later, as I was leaving after I paid. It was Tony Kayser.
The date? April 30th. In fact, I have a cell phone call I made after that to try to figure out who this was, so I have a date and time right there. On the report, Kayser notes that he had expenses of $159.30 for signs. Based on what I personally witnessed on April 30th, I’m going to call shenanigans (as a nice way of saying B.S.).
$500 or $1500, maybe. But $159? No way. Not what I witnessed according to the number of signs he had filled the back of his truck with. There were a number of 4×6 signs, and a pile of yard signs. And again, this was on 4/30, which according to the laws regarding the pre-primary filing should have included campaign expenditures and receipts up through May 15th. But, if he jumped the gun and based his report weeks early on 4/26, yes, $159 might be true.. but not accurate to what should have been filed.
This is only the start of campaign reporting weirdness, so stay tuned.
And remember, if you’re putting signs out there, please don’t assume. Ask the property owner first.
Isn’t there a requirement to file a 48 hr supplemental report on anything raised or spent over $500 between the pre-primary and primary election?
Carl Perry is the KING of placing signs where ever the heck he wants. Even new property owners going off old lists. He also placed Rep Schaefbauer and Sen Novstrup signs out even when unapposed in the primary. The city of Aberdeen(it was a violation of city ordinance) asked them to take them down and they refused. So the city did the work for them on the tax payers dime. I thought Novstrup was a watchdog for our taxes. Now he just looks for lap dogs.
Perry has also gone into businesses that have placed Washnok signs and demanded they take them down because “he’s a customer there too” If people knew the real Carl Perry, they would puke…and the real Carl Perry is coming out in this election
If Carl is the King, Sue Peterson is the Empress. Same tactics. Put signs everywhere, hope they stay up. Chew out people with other signs. She’s doing the same thing now for John Hughes.
That’s a complete and total lie. I ask permission for every sign, at every location, every election.
That’s a complete and total lie. I ask permission for every sign, at every location, every election.
Hope they throw those dumpster diver signs right where they belong in the dumpster. Typical rules and laws are for others but not for them. Their former “team mate” Kaleb Weis used to place signs also without asking permission. It was pretty bad.
Funny you talk about permission for yard signs. Pischke makes Carl Perry look like an amateur when it comes to putting up signs without permissions. From what I have gathered at the morning gas station coffee in Dell Rapids at least 40-50 percent of his signs all got put up without permission or telling landowners half truths. Sound desperate for these candidate to do stuff like that … Wait aren’t they for “landowner rights?” I wonder where trespassing lines up on the landowners rights chart?
Pat, You wrote that you saw a truck full of signs, but do you know that they were all his? Half or more of them might have been for someone else and he was picking up the other person’s signs at the same time.
Yards signs with the cheapest stands cost 8-10 bucks a piece. that puts him at under 20 yard signs. Simple either he has under 20 yards signs or is full of BS.
yard sign politics are low and outside of my wheelhouse but it seems to me that yard signs have more impact on primary voters than in the general election.
So this Tony guy is recruited by Jon Hanson and the patriot ripple, freedom caucus folks but yet is against property rights, respecting landowners, B rated by NRA, and then maybe violates campaign finance laws along the way. Oh brother!
No integrity in a campaign means no integrity as a Representative. Hard no for me. It will be embarrassing if this guy gets elected in Sioux Falls.