Press Release: Borglum’s big idea is a plan everyone can get behind

From the Scyller Borglum for US Senate Campaign:

Borglum’s big idea is a plan everyone can get behind

Scyller Borglum, state representative and US senate candidate, recently announced her Wooden Nickel Plan to address the national debt crisis.

According to Borglum, the name of her plan was inspired by the saying, “Don’t take any wooden nickels” which is considered a reminder to not take politicians at their word as they often make a lot of promises to get elected.

“One of my greatest frustrations with our current Senator is his inability to stand up for limited government and spending. During his time in state government he was known for expanding government and big spending. The past 4.5 years, he has joined the rest of Congress in their frivolous spending. We don’t have 6 more years to gamble,” says Borglum.

45 of the past 50 years the federal budget has been unbalanced. The proposed budget for FY2020 is $4.746 trillion. The estimated revenue is $3.645 trillion. Simple math equates that to a $1.101 trillion deficit adding to the national debt which is currently $22 TRILLION.

According to Borglum, the Wooden Nickel Plan will help considerably slow down the rising debt by empowering the people to take ownership of their government and bring back fiscally conservative principles.

“The Wooden Nickel plan is simple. When elected, I will work relentlessly to pass legislation to ensure Congress stays within 5% of the previous year’s discretionary budget. If the budget comes in so much as .01% over the 5% cap then a national vote is automatically triggered. This empowers the people to decide if the increase is justified, and strips a little bit of power away from congress, which we know needs to happen,” says Borglum.

Borglum acknowledges that no Republican wants to raise taxes in fear of losing votes, but she believes being irresponsible with spending is counterintuitive to the Republican platform and frankly, hypocritical.

“You are either a good steward of money. Or you aren’t. That is why my plan makes sense,” states Borglum.

Borglum believes the people need to take back power, particularly when it comes to government spending.

“We’ve seen what happens when they have all the power – they avoid mandatory decreased spending by creating a work -around in the system to increase spending even more. It makes no sense. And by the way, this is just one area Congress doesn’t follow their own laws,” continues Borglum.

Under the current sequester law, Congress was set to decrease the discretionary spending by a mandatory 10% in FY2020. Instead, bait and switch Mike and his millionaire Senate buddies passed an agreement to bypass the sequester decrease and raise the discretionary spending caps pushing us more into a financial hole.

Borglum says the Wooden Nickel Plan is just the beginning. The discretionary budget makes up only ⅓ of the overall federal budget. She plans to also take a look at the mandatory budget and see how much of the spending can be cut there as well.

“Here at the state level, we have government overreach which directly results in more spending. Not to mention restrictions on individual freedoms. I plan to apply the same principles of limited and lean government at the federal level. The people don’t want the government involved in every detail of their lives. It’s not what it was designed to do, and frankly, we can’t afford it,” states Borglum.

Borglum believes the Wooden Nickel Plan is just one way to help mitigate the projected financial disaster making its way into the news cycle. She believes South Dakotans want to hold congress accountable and send someone to Washington who will work hard to address these real problems. Someone who will not be bought by special interest groups, but will truly listen and work for the people.

To hear more on the Wooden Nickel Plan follow Borglum’s Facebook page, Borglum for US Senate or her website,

16 thoughts on “Press Release: Borglum’s big idea is a plan everyone can get behind”

  1. I think this was an article that really says nothing at all.. Wooden Nickel? Let’s move into adult conversation time!!

    Jimbo and his gal pal are giving bad advice to young Ms. Borglum.. She seems to say a whole lot about nothing to do with anything.

  2. Haha click on the website at the bottom. She mispelled her last name according to the link. Borlgum.. #notprepared

  3. She went on the attack in her announcement speech and continues to attack. I am already sick of her.

    1. Good News! -You won’t hear anything from Rounds, because he hasn’t done any work in years.

  4. Through all of the debates over the state budget I don’t recall a single time Borglum stood on the floor of the statehouse to rail against spending. Not a single time. The person who stood over and over to urge legislators to reduce spending was Taffy Howard. If Howard developed a campain to limit spending, I would trust her integrity becasue she’s shown it’s part of her belief system. For Borglum, this comes off as nothing more than a campaign gimmick.

  5. I think that if those in Congress had their life-time Cadillac health insurance and lifetime pensions tied to the national debt they might pull their heads out, except for the rich ones, which, frankly, are almost all of them. Lobbying after you have been in Congress should be illegal so the likes of Tommy Dash-hole can’t use his too-long tenure in DC to become rich. Also, term limits and no guaranteed lifetime pension and health insurance would help out with a lot of the problems as well, IMHO.

  6. A national vote on the budget? That’s the grand plan?

    Hmm, let’s see – unconstitutional, expensive and wouldn’t make any significant impact on the budget.

    No thanks

      1. I’d start with the biggest part of our budget – entitlements.

        But no politician (other than Paul Ryan and look how well that worked out for him) is willing to open up that discussion. Even President Trump, who throws out extreme ideas all the time (hello Greenland), won’t touch this issue.

        Anyone serious about the budget should be focused on entitlement reform, not triggering a national election because have you considered that it would probably pass every time – military, VA, USDA, FEMA, IRS employees and their families aren’t going to vote to cut their budget, they are going to vote for the bigger budget. And who would blame them?

        It’s not just you, I judge your opponent the same way. My main point is all of our politicians need to be brave on the budget.

        1. We could fire senators who don’t do any work. Imaging the money we would save! I suggest cutting the bottom 10% (hint: Rounds is the bottom 3%. Ouch).

  7. A national referendum? Now there’s an idea. I just checked with Theresa May and she told me those always work out great.

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