Release: Deutsch announces candidacy for State Senate

Deutsch announces candidacy for State Senate

FLORENCE – Fred Deutsch, Florence, officially announces his candidacy for the South Dakota State Senate from District 4 in the 2024 Republican primary election.

First elected to the House of Representatives in 2015, Deutsch notes he is running for Senate to continue to be a servant for the people of District 4 and to protect families and children.

“As a father of four and a grandfather of nine, I worry about the world they will grow up in. I’ll bet you worry too. That is why I want to be a senator in the SD legislature,” says Deutsch.

Concerned about quality of life for our children and future generations, Deutsch believes now is the time to take a stand.

“Since you first sent me to Pierre, it’s been my honor to be your voice. As your state senator, I will continue to stand in the gap; I’ll continue to fight for you and your family, to support agriculture, our schools and small towns, and especially our common-sense, rural way of life in District 4.

“I am running because I believe it’s important we protect our way of life, give hope to moms and dads, and leave this world a better place for our kids.”

Deutsch is seeking the seat currently occupied by Sen John Wiik who is term limited.

To learn more, see

18 thoughts on “Release: Deutsch announces candidacy for State Senate”

  1. I’ll be voting for an effective legislator not a dramatic one, Steph Sauder! #Steph4Senate

  2. Most of my neighbors and I will be voting for Deutsch. I know Steph, and she’s a nice person, but I wouldn’t say she’s effective or conservative. Her voting record shows she’s more aligned with Democrats, and I believe she voted against all of our governor’s priorities. I understand Deutsch has enemies, but that’s because he’s not afraid to lead. I know he’ll do a great job for our district in the future because he has done a great job for our district in the past.

  3. Fred Deutsch is among the hardest working and most well-prepared legislators on third floor. You may or may not like his issues, but the man is a tireless advocate for his district. I don’t get to vote for him, but I would if I could. I think when the fine people of District 4 examine his record, they will reach the same conclusion.

  4. Fred is a fighter for the ones who can’t fight for themselves! I’d say that is pretty admirable. It’s very tough to swim against the current and Fred does! Yes, he brings up touchy subjects, but I’m so thankful he does! Without Fred and the legislation he has brought to protect the vulnerable, South Dakota would not be the state it is! We in South Dakota should be very grateful for Fred. We need elected officials who aren’t afraid to tackle tough issues!

  5. I am honored to have Fred Deutsch in my district to represent me! My vote is going to him this coming election.
    He has a good record in Pierre: but on top of that he is a great Man of God, husband, dad, and grandfather. We are blessed to have him standing up for our values.

  6. I am grateful for Fred Deustch’s principles and his courage to talk about the hard issues of our time. He was a STRONG advocate for children as a school board member, a representative and I know he would make a principled senator for District 4. He takes the arrows for bills that are making a difference in the quality of life for children and families in South Dakota! #FredDeutschforSenate

  7. Since when is expanding government to control citizens lives a conservative value? This is a MAGA value, I’m sick and tired of hearing the line “conservative” associated with this ever growing force of government in our lives. Just a news flash for you, the other side is doing the same thing, it is what you fought against for the majority of my life. Just because it is to enforce your delusions, and not the lefts, doesn’t make it suddenly acceptable. Fred is trying to grow government, I think our taxes are more than high enough.

    I want my taxes reduced, and I know Fred can’t do that with his demands to try and get everyone to live by his ideals through the law enforcing it. I will be voting for a true conservative, sorry.

    1. As a resident of district 4, I support Fred. Both candidates are nice people, but I look at the voting records. Fred more consistently votes to lower taxes. Fred supported the governors veto of HB 1109 that would have increased taxes. Steph did not. Fred was also a cosponsor of the governors bill to eliminate all food tax. Steph was not. I like them both, but I’m voting for Fred.

      1. As a resident of district 4, it doesn’t matter if Fred wants to cut education or healthcare to kids, then grow law enforcement to enforce whatever annoys him and his followers, it results in a growth of government. Get government out of my life, I don’t’ care if you have come up with some sort of argument as to why you think you need to be involved in my life, you are not special. I can come up with the same type of correlating connection for almost anything, leave people alone, reduce government, and reduce the burden of taxes on me.

  8. Fred is a legislator for himself. He walks all over his colleagues and his constituents in order to push his own issues. If district 4 has paid attention they will see that too. You can agree on 80% of the issues and still be good friends, unless Fred decided to pray about it and God told him stab you in the back. People who justify bad behavior by God are the worst ones.

  9. Do South Dakotans really want a legislator to be physically present in a medical doctor’s examining room with the patient and have the authority to give final approval for treatment? I can’t imagine they do but it seems to be the direction we are heading with each session.

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