Rep. Deutsch to file resolution supporting Israel after terrorist attack

After the attack on Israel citizens by the terrorist group Hamas, including what one source calls ‘unspeakable acts of sexual violence and infanticide,’ State Representative Fred Deutch has filed a draft resolution supporting Israel which is currently under review at the Legislative Research Council for introduction this next legislative session, which he has shared for our readers:


WHEREAS, Hamas was founded with the stated goal of destroying the State of Israel and has been designated by the United States as a Foreign Terrorist Organization; and

WHEREAS, The Hamas terrorist organization launched a brutal, highly organized, and unprecedented attack upon Israel and its citizens in the early morning hours of October 7, 2023; and WHEREAS, In its attack, Hamas has killed hundreds of innocent civilians and taken hundreds of Israeli children, women, elderly, and infirm civilians hostage; and

WHEREAS, In its attack, Hamas has fired thousands of rockets against Israeli population centers in an attempt to kill untold numbers of innocent civilians; and

WHEREAS, The timing of this Hamas terrorism operation to coincide with the observance of the Jewish Sabbath and celebration of the Sukkoth holiday demonstrates the intent to maximize civilian casualties; and

WHEREAS, Hamas continues to brazenly locate elements of its terrorist infrastructure in civilian population centers using civilians as human shields;

Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House and Senate of the 99th South Dakota Legislature hereby:

1.Reaffirm its support and unwavering commitment to the welfare, security, and survival of the State of Israel;

2.Recognize Israel ’s right to act decisively and unilaterally in self-defense to protect its citizens;

3.Express its support for Israel ’s right to pursue without interference or condemnation the elimination of Hamas until Hamas is permanently neutralized and public safety is assured;

4.Convey its most heartfelt condolences to all Israeli victims as well as their families and communities;

5.Call upon South Dakota law enforcement to remain vigilant in protecting Jewish South Dakotans and all supporters of Israel from acts of crime and unlawful discrimination that tend to manifest at such times; and

6.Encourage all other American states to likewise condemn Hamas as well as any official body that refuses to recognize Israel ’s right to act decisively in self-defense to protect its citizens.


25 thoughts on “Rep. Deutsch to file resolution supporting Israel after terrorist attack”

  1. Where will the ~1 million residents of Gaza go?

    Won’t this put pressure on other Western countries to take in more refugees and further strain our system and create more chaos in the US in addition to what’s happening through/via the Darien Gap?

    1. bin laden experts like ollie north told us al qaeda was going to draw us to the region, and keep having us expend waves of blood and treasure against them, and draw us back in to bleed us more whenever we thought we were done. a multigenerational war of attrition.
      hamas was always going to do what they did, and peace negotiations were always a time-wasting ruse they used for rebuilding.
      many are handwringing about israel being “duped” back into bloodthirsty butchery against poor palestinians. they worry that the warmonger netenyahu will be off the leash and be a disgrace to his western allies.
      we are a horrible nation to have as an ally in a multigenerational fight. we spin with every shift of the wind. trump-on-the-stump is the most craven example of this. his presidency had envoy kushner providing tons of aid and visible alliance to israel. trump even opened a us embassy IN JERUSALEM – an arrogant and provocative act. and now he’s running around with his “i-would-never-do-that” posing, and declaring “BEBE LET US DOWN” like a backstabber while most other longtime elected officials are steadfastly maintaining the traditional alliance as they can.
      i dont know what’s best at this point – – but I DO trust israel to know their enemy well, and have a clear idea of what to do and where to attack in response to this bloody reveal of hamas’ real intentions.

      1. “backstabber” is strong language to describe trump, it implies an ideology at play. reality: trump keeps quickly leaping to the latest slogans that test well in cozying up to his conservative base, to make his presidential hopes as energized as possible. that’s actually worse because it plays on ignorance and fear.

      2. correction for accuracy – “bibi let us down” was a direct reference to israel killing the iranian general in january 2020 without consulting trump first. when netenyahu is thrust into a hot military emergency, naturally we’re all supposed to first pause and remember how he defied trump and angered trump, unforgivably.

        1. correction correction – trump killed the general when he was located in iraq – but israel did not take part in that operation and trump is using his resentment of netenyahu to call israeli actions into question.

  2. Anything for a headline “False Fred” ?
    Is it possible the next time you come to Castlewood, you could answer questions instead of just gathering signatures? Your opponent has no problem with that.

  3. Not really. Just calling out BS when I see it.
    False Fred the phony physician is about himself.
    Nothing he does or writes will have any impact at all with the newest war under Biden’s leadership.
    Get working on local and state issues instead of grandstanding over the Israeli invasion.

  4. For those who don’t know, Fred was raised as a Jew and became a Christian as a young man. He has family in Israel serving in the IDF. His father is a Holocaust survivor.

  5. This is the kind of leadership I expect from our legislators. If I’m not mistaken, Rep. Deutsch is a Jewish Christian, and the perfect person to put forward a resolution like this because he knows the topic, and it won’t be viewed as grandstanding, given his background. Well done sir!

  6. Who better than Fred Deutsch to launch this resolution? He is not false. He is Jewish by blood and Christian by choice. His family were Holocaust survivors. Amir Tsarfati is someone to follow on Telegram, Utube, or FB for on-the-ground info. He is also a Jewish Christian who has a large following in the US and around the world.

  7. Asking where the Palestinians will go is interesting since the neighboring states have been reluctantly taking them in since 1948, and from all accounts, want them to leave, denying them citizenship and so on. They focus all their outrage on Israel when their fellow Arabs don’t want them either.

    I just read that they have been welcomed in Ireland. Because…..Ireland. It figures. SMH.

  8. I believe the legislature passes a resolution very often discussing their support for Israel. Also one for Taiwan. Heaven forbid they do so when it actually is more timely and relevant.

    Thank you for taking the lead, Fred. The perfect fit!

  9. To be certain Al, I am not anti-Israel.
    My point about False Fred is attacks people using out of state money but accepts tons of money for his special projects.
    Personal story here- When F.F. Came to Castlewood seeking signatures for his newly formed district, he approached us to sign his petition.
    I explained to him I couldn’t because I am registered as non affiliated, but I would like to talk to him about several things including ag, education and even Pat Powers. After that he immediately left the bar without even buying anything.
    That is what the voters of District 4 do not need.

    1. It’s a shame you feel the need to attack Rep. Deutsch and even resort to name calling. I don’t see him attacking other people, but he has suffered more attacks than you can count.

  10. False Fred lied to get his weed card
    A liar is a liar is a liar
    False Fred the Phony Physician is not the candidate anyone here wants

  11. LCJ, you admit you’re not a Republican, so you can’t vote in the Republican primary. You obviously have an opinion, it’s just that your opinion doesn’t matter.

  12. Questioning Zionism is not antisemitism.

    It is funny how I’ve seen multiple interviews from Israelis saying they want to “flatten Gaza” and “eliminate Palestinian’s”. It seems like they are trying to sell the idea of “if we exterminate this group, all of our problems will be solved”. I say we should support them in this experiment, but I want everyone to accept the parameters of the experiment. If it fails again, we can’t change the rules/parameters, and if it fails, we won’t try this again while expecting another different result. This should be the last time if it doesn’t work. Let’s call it the Deutsch experiment, make it national and put Fred’s face on the experiment and results that happen, maybe Kristi can get involved to, this is HER state after-all.

  13. I don’t understand why it’s necessary since the Federal government is in charge of the military and affairs of the state.

    Seems he’s looking for points to run for governor. Pass.

    1. If you read the news you’ll see the Israeli people are terrified. They are looking for support from the world. Something that simply says “we care about you.” Why is it so hard for some people to act with a little humanity. Deutsch’s District is rural. Lots of small farm communities. Many SD districts are the same. Just like the small agricultural communities that were decimated in Israel.

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