SD Searchlight profiles outgoing Senate President Pro Tempore Lee Schoenbeck and his influence on the legislative process

South Dakota Searchlight has posted a profile of State Senator Lee Schoenbeck, who is in the twilight of his legislative career as he heads off into the sunset after carving out a place for himself as one of South Dakota’s legislative giants, after a career where he was not afraid to lead in the way he saw fit, and to shape policy and lawmaking during his tenure:

The following Monday, back at the Capitol, some Republicans who were upset about Schoenbeck’s verbal attacks blocked him from entering a caucus meeting.

But then something happened: Lawmakers started talking to him about the bill. His outbursts against Republican leaders had emboldened some rank-and-file members.


The episode was an example of Schoenbeck’s unique brand of lawmaking, combining blunt public rhetoric with private maneuvering to get results. His perfection of those tactics made him perhaps the most powerful member of the Legislature during the last several legislative sessions while he served as president pro tempore of the Senate.

Schoenbeck said there’s a simple reason he’s been willing to speak his mind when others were afraid: “I don’t care if I lose an election.”

“That’s the difference,” he said. “That’s it.”

Read it here.

In a time when we have far too many cookie-cutter candidates campaign on platforms that all look and sound the same, maybe the best lesson that Senator Schoenbeck provides to those who follow him are to worry less about pleasing factions, never forget to connect to your community, and be unafraid to lead.



3 thoughts on “SD Searchlight profiles outgoing Senate President Pro Tempore Lee Schoenbeck and his influence on the legislative process”

  1. reading the linked article, one would think JFM didn’t do anything wrong, and was Schoenbeck treated her unfairly.

  2. I always thought he was a strong leader who had high expectations for the Senators in his Party. He may be a drinking man (so What!!) and he may be abrupt in critizing legislative behavior he considers frivolous or unproductive, but the direction of his leadership is never in doubt.

    1. Janklow used to refer to Lee’s behavior as “needing his lug nuts tightened”. Lee’s true leadership style was always one of opportunity, manipulation, and self propagation. Good leaders are humble, empower and serve others. Lee’s tenure exhibited none of this. He was broken man many years ago when the banter about his potential bid for Governor was eventually exposed as a hoax. His derogatory trolling of Gov Noem serves reflective of his jealousy and general lack of respect. A few of his quotes:

      Schoenbeck: “I always assumed they saw some national opportunity (referring to her out of state staff), and that star has clearly faded”.

      Schoenbeck: “So it’s the people you surround yourself with that will define your talent and ability. She has no talent to pull on”.

      Noem: “If you guys could see some of the text messages that he has sent me over the years, I don’t think that he woudl ever get elected again”.

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