Senator John Thune challenging Democrat bigotry on judicial appointments

It is shocking to read about politicians applying religious tests, but apparently bigotry is alive and well in the United States Democrat caucus. Fortunately, United States Senator John Thune is there to call them out:

In remarks given to the Senate on Thursday about the confirmation of candidates for federal judgeships, Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) said some Democrats are using a “religious test” to try to prevent people, especially faithful Catholics, from serving in public office.

“Mr. President, as I said earlier, we confirmed two excellent judicial nominees this week, unfortunately, one ran into some Democrat opposition during the confirmation process because he was Catholic,” said Thune on Thursday. “That’s right. Apparently the fact that he takes his faith seriously enough.”


“Mr. President, I had hoped we were done with Democrats’ flirtation with religious tests for public office when they questioned the fitness of Judge Amy Coney Barrett because she takes her Catholic faith seriously,” said Thune. “But apparently, Democrats think it’s perfectly legitimate to suggest that you can’t be both a person of faith and a nominee for the United States Judiciary.”

Read the entire story here.

Are these the same politicians calling Trump racist?

I think they’d better worry about their own bigotry before they concern themselves with what they portray as someone else’s.

27 thoughts on “Senator John Thune challenging Democrat bigotry on judicial appointments”

  1. It has nothing to do with religious bigotry, it is about religious fanaticism like that woman named that said her religious beliefs outweigh the law and Constitution……. Now, you people tell us about muslims in politics…

    1. Jaa Dee, please provide a reference for your statement. I have never seen a statement attributed to Judge Barret saying her religious beliefs outweight the law and the Constitution. It’s unfortunate you can get away with speading lies and not be held accountable because you don’t use your real name.

      1. Not a lie, Mr. Deutsch:

        Among other things, she strongly criticized Justice William Brennan’s statement about faith, in which he said that he took an oath to uphold the law, and that “there isn’t any obligation of our faith superior” to that oath. In response, Barrett wrote: “We do not defend this position as the proper response for a Catholic judge to take with respect to abortion or the death penalty.”

        Accountability sucks, especially when you’re on record as disregarding precedent as a federal judge and instead arguing that your faith does, in fact, supersede the constitution. People are the judges here in this life. Let God sort out judgement for the next.

        1. Ike at 5:14… Brennan is the liar. He always preferred his personal opinion to the constitution, creating “rights” out of whole cloth. Barrett discussed that lazy, corrupt tendency in the context of Catholic faith.

  2. It is100% bigotry. Bigoted comments about Catholics is the last accepted and appropriate bigotry for the left. When RBG is replaced by a real legal mind, Judge Barrett, America will be better served by a court focused on the rule of law, not politics.

    1. Lee, please provide a citation to the “bigoted comments about Catholics” you reference. Thanks in advance.

    2. Fringe Identity politics is what a few of the Democrats and Republicans play. It’s a political game to keep their parties in power. Fortunately most Democrats and Republicans are good people that want what’s best for their community, state, and country. That is how Trump got elected by taking out both parties. He won because people are sick of partisan politics. In SD it is a little different, most people vote R over the individual. So that is why we have a monopoly one party rule in SD.

      1. Wait, is your argument Trump is a sign that people are AGAINST partisanship? Do you consider him a unifier?

        1. Yes, they are sick of party politics. That is why he got elected. He filleted his Republican opponents in the primary. The R establishment could not stop him.

          1. But you attributed that to people being sick of partisanship. If anything, the political climate has grown much MORE partisan with him leading the charge on twitter. You seem not smart.

            1. Ya, your right, I am not to smart. I do feel the non-partisans like Trump. Trump is not a R, he just ran on the R ticket because that was his best chance of winning.

              1. Which is why his approval numbers hover in the 30 to 40 percent range with independents. Sure, stick with that.

            2. to anon 8/23 7:49PM – trump could give a crap about party fealty. the hyperpartisanship is due to trump derangement syndrome. trump’s inroads that disregard the beltway sacred cows are a direct threat to the existence of their bureaucratic power base.

              1. Surely it is entirely attributable to sacred cows and not because the man makes his bones on wedge issues and acting like a tool.

  3. This is what Republicans get when they force religion upon citizens, such as the “In God We Trust” being displayed in all SD schools. As long as that kind of thing continues to happen, Democrats will justifiably be concerned about appointing judges whose faith may prevent a fair interpretation of constitutional provisions.

  4. Why do Republikans try so hard to use God to divide? I’m Catholic. I believe in alternatives to abortion rather than criminalizing the mother. I believe capital punishment is just governmental revenge and has absolutely no deterrence. I oppose euthanasia. I believe in charity. I believe health care is a right. I believe in helping our neighbors and justice for all. I’m proud to be Democrat.

    I don’t need “In God We Trust” to brag about it.

    1. Both the D’s and the R’s try to radicalize their opposition. It’s a way to conquer and divide. Identity politics is the new wave.

  5. It’s not that hard to find it in the congressional record Porter.
    Proof again Democrats are not that intelligent.

    @anonymous 6:33,

    The motto has nothing do do with this article. “In God We Trust” is not a religious test and does not divide. I assume you think the pledge of allegiance divides?

    1. Well, I did not say that the motto has anything to do with this article. But since you bring it up, how inclusive of atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, and Muslims is the Pledge? By the way, “under God” was not always a part of it.

      I agree, religious tests are wrong. Trying to disqualify a judicial appointee on the basis of being Catholic is as wrong as attacking a member of Congress for wearing a Hijab.

      1. But since you bring it up, how inclusive of atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, and Muslims is the Pledge?

        It includes every single United States legal citizen.

  6. “Democrats are not that intelligent”

    You know what divides? Statements like that.

  7. If a person is a faithful Catholic, is it a criteria for disqualification? What is the basic rationale? If so, how is it not textbook bigotry (“stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one’s own”)? If not, why is it even discussed?

    Thank you Senator Thune for standing up for the basic human right of freedom of conscience.

  8. the catholic church is where the biggest and most motivated pro life democrats can be found. look no further for the source of anti-catholic bigotry in the democratic party. the tolerance of a pro-life christian wing brings the war over abortion into the party itself so it must be crushed and crushed.

  9. Ike,

    How many Catholics and Jews were on the Supreme Court before Scalia died?

    I read your link. She says they should recuse themselves if they disagreed with the law regarding capital punishment.

    Why did you leave that very important part out?

    Why is it so hard for Democrats to tell the truth?

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