South Dakota Democrat finances still a mess, and warnings from the FEC have an ominous ring to them

Hot off the press from the Federal Elections Commission are several new filings for the South Dakota Democrat Party that don’t seem to bode well for the party in the coming months:

201911110300050989 DEM FEC Warning by Pat Powers on Scribd

Please amend your report to include a corrected Schedule H1 and note that a change in this ratio may make it necessary to repay your non-federal account for any overpayments that may have been made. While the Commission may take further legal action concerning any impermissible overpayments by the non-federal account, your prompt action will be taken into consideration.”

There appear to be approximately SEVEN letters that were recently sent regarding Democrat’s FEC reports sent on either 11/7 or 11/11/19 pointing out the problems with their filings.

And this may all be in addition to the problems they’ve had with their recent audit with the Federal Elections Commission – which will likely still produce refunds due and a fine of some note for their actions.

Moving on.

2 thoughts on “South Dakota Democrat finances still a mess, and warnings from the FEC have an ominous ring to them”

    1. You won’t really know until Feb. The SDGOP Has traditionally carried a fairly good balance in both the state and federal accounts, while the SDDP has leaned heavily on their Federal account, while leaving the state account dry. That’s why this is so indicative of problems – this has always been their money account.

      And to answer your question in part, I’m told they’ve had a couple of good months lately, so watch the reports.

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