South Dakota Democrats ‘actively recruiting’ for any offices. Still.

South Dakota Democrats from July 9th:

Democrats will hold them accountable for their extreme position and do everything we can to put a strong infrastructure in place for our eventual nominee

South Dakota Democrats today:

The South Dakota Democratic Party is “actively recruiting” candidates for statewide, county and city-level offices and the party is looking forward to a “competitive 2020 election,” said party Chair Paula Hawks.

Read that here.

This comes after their actual Congressional candidate, Democrat Socialist Ellee Spawn, has quietly slipped out of the race by erasing her on-line content related to being a candidate.  Spawn was was heinously bad, but at least she was running for statewide office.

So, as the weeks tick down, eventually Democrats are going to have to quit claiming they’re “actively recruiting,” and just admit they couldn’t talk anyone decent into teeing up to be the sacrificial lamb.

10 thoughts on “South Dakota Democrats ‘actively recruiting’ for any offices. Still.”

  1. You would think the Democrats would recycle some of their candidates from last cycle…maybe give Ms. Means a shot, or Mr. Seiler could take another shot.

  2. Dems don’t have to work all that hard. They have a number of Dem in Repub clothing already in the state legislature.

    1. Stop. That kind of thinking just ruins party unity. You are doing absolutely nothing beneficial by constantly saying this. In fact you are more harmful to the Republican party than the people of whom you speak.

    2. Such as when Stace Nelson was holding a press conference with Rick Weiland, and e-mailing with Billie Sutton to stop Lee Qualm. He is a Democrat colluder and collaborator.

      Looking forward to Republican Kyle Schoenfish turning him out in the primary.

  3. E-mailing with Billie Sutton to stop Lee Qualm, I have not heard about this story—do tell

  4. What democrat wants to run for public office when you have Cory Heidelberger making democrats look like idiots. Right now he has an article about the wall money and the Supreme Court.

    He doesn’t say a word about the cash Obama sent Iran that Congress did not appropriate to Iran.

    He also lied to his readers about the wall construction that has taken place. He didn’t tell them they made the wall higher.

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