State Rep. Haugaard pushing back against Noem advocacy for his censure over “whore” remark on House Floor

After referring to a drug-addicted Native American woman as a “wrung out whore” on the floor of the House of Representatives,  Steve Haugaard is apparently pushing back against Governor Noem’s calls for him to be censured for the remark:

Noem suggested that her Republican primary opponent should face consequences for his remarks.

“I am calling on the Speaker and the House to take a stand against this irresponsible and abusive behavior by formally reprimanding and censuring Mr. Haugaard.”


“Sometimes on the House floor, to get points across, you need to be expressive and really get to the heart of the issue. Too many times we dance around the issues on the House floor.”

Haugaard also pushed back against Noem calling for him to be censured.

“The governor can do whatever she chooses to do,” Haugaard said. “Unfortunately, she has lied about some of the things I’ve done in the past. She has made comments that I’m some sort of a misogynist… That’s just an absolute false statement.”

Read it here.

So, there you go. He was just being expressive when he referred to a woman as a whore.

And it’s a false statement that he’s a misogynist.

As mansplained by Steve.


17 thoughts on “State Rep. Haugaard pushing back against Noem advocacy for his censure over “whore” remark on House Floor”

  1. How are we as a society able to instill respect for others, especially children when disgusting language is used in the very seat of government by a leader? I’d prefer to have someone leading the house and state with an intellect that can rise above insults to women to make a point. Regardless of party affiliation kindness and respect must rule the day.

    1. Anti-whore dress codes: Bad.
      Anti-“whore” speech codes: Good.
      Is that about right?

      Referring to a timeworn harlot as a wrung-out whore isn’t an insult. It’s an accurate description. Maybe it sounds disgusting because it’s disgusting.

      I’m not convinced that there’s any direct cause-and-effect correlation between using cannabis and becoming a wrung-out whore. I’m not convinced that such a correlation would be any of the government’s business anyway. Representative Haugaard apparently has a different point of view.

      The American way to address a different point of view is to present a persuasive counterargument, not to have other people reprimanded, censured or silenced.

  2. This was not uttered as an insult.

    That this woman was a ‘wrung out whore’ (her words) is not more offensive than the sex trade patronized by many here in SD.

    Prostitution is offensive, and those bringing attention to it are .. going against the GRAIN?

    Lastly, “As mansplained by Steve” is the kind of comment that comes from a left-wing SJW. Bravo.

    1. Prostitution is offensive, then don’t participate in the oldest profession known to our species? This type of comment comes from a big government RINO that contradicts their values daily.

  3. Haugaard insults women and now he’s blaming the Governor, a woman? Take responsibility buddy you messed up big time. Stop blaming others.

    1. he didn’t insult women, he stated the obvious, that meth addiction creates wrung-out whores.
      Users turn to prostitution to support their addiction and the physical effects of meth do the rest.
      This whole firestorm of phony indignation is more disturbing than anything Steve said.
      It suggests people do not know or care to acknowledge the results of meth addiction.
      The results are ghastly: the addicts look like the walking dead. I’m sure some of you would prefer to not think about how serious a problem it is, because if you do, you might have to notice that many of the addicts started out self-medicating with alcohol and/or marijuana. It’s just so much easier to kill the messenger than to acknowledge the real problem here.

        1. Well, he has only been married once, unlike the Repubs’ dear leader. Maybe if he was better at “locker room talk” he’d be ignored?

  4. the “meth; we’re on it” campaign was a bust, and it turned a serious affliction into a joke.

    “meth; it’ll turn you into a wrung-out whore” is a much better message.
    truthful, too.

    1. And yet South Dakota was the ONLY state in the nation that had a large decline in drug related deaths. Like a 16% decline.

    1. This was a reprint from 1986 Texas Monthly when THC levels were 3%. Today 30% in flower and up to 99% THC in dabs, shatter, hash oil, wax and those THC cartridges used in vaping.

    2. I heard there was a man who tried marijuana, and it gave him a mental illness and now he thinks he’s a woman. Unless you think this is acceptable, we must ban marijuana.

  5. His comments were deplorable. But he’s not wrong that Noem and/or her people coordinated the follow up attack.

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