State Rep. Tamara St. John out in mailboxes with a good fundraising letter

Received this in the mail this past week from Republican State Representative Tamara St. John, and so as usual, I’m over-sharing and bringing it to you:


This is a good piece.  I think it does a really good job of hitting the high points. It reminds readers of why they supported her, of what she’s accomplished, why they need to give, it makes a good ask, and it manages to do all that in 1 page, which is always a good thing.

Might I have done a few things a differently? Well, I suppose you might, but you’re getting nitpicky and into the weeds. Would mail-merging and matching letter to envelope improved it? Maybe, but then you’re on two pages, and I don’t know if that would have made the piece better.

You could include a separate palm card, but again, the way Tamara included the information was effective, using the back side of the page without being overly wordy, nicely bulleted, and including a easy link to donate on-line.

(GOP candidates, if you don’t have a portal of your own, you can set this up through the Republican party with WinRed.)

I’ll be the first one to admit that one of my enemies when writing material is to keep it tight, and to remember that less can be more. You don’t have to over stuff a piece to be everything to everyone. You just need to represent the best “you.”

Candidates, if you’re looking for a good example when you do your own fundraising, file this one in the back of your heads as one you can emulate.

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