Tapio release given new headline on his website – Obama program “paid police not to arrest Florida Shooter.”

A couple of days ago, we had a press release from Neal Tapio for Congress critical of the Obama Era Criminal and Juvenile Justice reforms.

On the Tapio website today, it has a bit more …incendiary headline:

Oh my.

25 thoughts on “Tapio release given new headline on his website – Obama program “paid police not to arrest Florida Shooter.””

  1. Wow. Not a Tapio fan. Having said that, he’s right about the justice reform problems in South Dakota. It seems that the administration and Legislature were so excited to not spend so much money in our prisons that they lost sight of why many of these people were in prison in the first place.

    1. Provocative got his bill killed in committee 9-1. He needs to show restraint.

  2. While we are at it, why not blame our fore fathers too, who penned the 2nd Amendment?

    1. Or public schools. Which teach people like ‘Very Stable Genius’ that America is a deadly country filled with guns, while China, Russia, Venezuela, Cambodia, Turkey, North Korea and elsewhere are safe, wonderful retreats from violence….rather than the crime scenes of 240-million deaths of disarmed citizenry, killed by their own governments. With guns.

        1. Did Japan kill 100-million of their own population? I wasn’t aware. Where did you matriculate, Ike? A refund might still be possible.

      1. You forgot Canada, Australia, Britain, Scandinavia and Europe…. and every other modern country….. When did those 240 million murders take place?

        Are you going to use the debunked nra that all tyrants confiscate guns to gain power?

        Are you going to use the nra lie that the 2nd amendment is to protect the people from the government?

      2. Don’t forget that more Americans have died from gun violence since 1968, then from all of the wars that America has been in since 1776 too….. I guess we are “deadly” and “with guns,” huh?

        1. You haven’t really been following this story. It’s ok. He was contacted by law enforcement 39 times. He made multiple and very direct terrorist threats and changed his facebook career status to, “Professional School Shooter.”

          Terroristic threats are a felony.

  3. The shooters foster parents had no reason to suspect he was capable of the shooting, he had no warrants. On what grounds should he have been detained? Hearsay? Neighbors opinions?—- If the police had confiscated his guns those whining now would be the same ones whining about taking guns from a “good guy with a gun”..

    Reminder, “glorious leader” said due process should have bee skipped and the shooter arrested before the shooting…. I know of no “libbie” that doesn’t think that is just blind ignorance about this country and un-American…..Do conservatives agree with “glorious leader” that a gun owner deserves no due process and cops should have authority to arrest and confiscate guns based on what if, could, maybe,?

  4. The shooter posted to his facebook stating that he intended to kill people. Three times. He also denoted his chosen career as that of a ‘Professional School Shooter.’ This is all documented. He was contacted by law enforcement 39 times. Sheriff’s deputies violated two state statutes by not detaining and charging him with terroristic threats on prior occasions. If a program incentivizes a lack of arrest, you’d think smart people would make the connection that a program is using federal funding to achieve lower incarceration and arrest rates. Not sure what’s provocative about noting as much.

    1. He also posted Pepe memes, trained with a white supremacist group, and wore a MAGA hat to school. Maybe that’s the sort of people we should be arresting?

    2. an online comment saying he wanted “to be a professional school shooter.”—

      Thursday morning, the FBI special agent in charge for South Florida told reporters that agents — after “reviews and checks” — could not identify the user behind the YouTube comment.

      “We were unable to identify the person who made the comment,” said Rob Lasky said at a press conference, also saying that no other information was included with that comment which would “indicate a time, location, or the true identity of the person who made the comment.”

      ” He was contacted by law enforcement 39 times.”— It doesn’t matter if he was contacted 139 times if they had no reason to arrest him..

      Sounds like you believe every conspiracy theory you hear because you of course are one of the “smart people”, huh?

      You didn’t mention the 2nd part of my comment. Should his guns have been confiscated based on hearsay and neighbors suspicion? Your “glorious leader thinks so..

  5. Aah. Would that be the same white supremacist group that organized Charlottesville, who turned out to be an Occupy member and a two time Obama voter? False flag somewhere else.

    1. It would be good if you geniuses would use something besides anoymous..

      As I said —Sounds like you believe every conspiracy theory you hear because you of course are one of the “smart people”, huh?— unfrigginbelievable….. No, not anymore

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