Terry LaFleur, GOP Outlier candidate for Gov, proposes 15% income tax

Never let it be said that all Republicans oppose a state income tax. (Just most of us).

This morning, the same Republican candidate who has his sights set on universal healthcare and repealing the State Bar exam has another proposal he’s offering up to the prospective voters who might elect him. He wants to impose a 15% State Income Tax with no refunds.

From Facebook:

Thoughts? Is he in the right political party?

10 thoughts on “Terry LaFleur, GOP Outlier candidate for Gov, proposes 15% income tax”

  1. Poorly written …doesn’t know the % yet of his own plan and no refund!

    I also would strongly dispute that his plan uses our money in a better way. I think individual citizens are the best decision maker’s of their own money! Not government.

  2. This will be an interested primary.

    1st place Kristi Noem?
    2nd Marty Jackley?
    3rd if Larry Rhoden just enters his name
    4th place Stace Nelson
    5th place Terry LaFleur
    6th place Bernie Sanders Liberal Republican Terrel or Hubble/Ravensborg battling out for 6th place. Terrel may do better in Minneapolis as an alternative to the DFL

      1. Shame! Haven’t those people suffered enough under Al Franken, Jesse the Mindless, and that silver spooner Dayton? Send him to California!

  3. Pat, you need to learn to spell: it’s “S-O-C-I-A-L-I-S-T” not “R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N”. I’m not being snarky, just trying to help.

  4. Wow!! And this guy thinks he will get elected with that platform??? Maybe the state should live within the budget it has. If the year is lean, trim the fat (and there is fat). If the year is super good, put the extra into a contingency fund for when the lean times come again, which they always do; it’s a cycle. But taxing people 15% for a state income tax is a bad idea. Promising to tie that to reduction in other taxes is a promise that often does not materialize, and promising to lower it later and refund if too much taken out (if you believe that, I have a bridge….)! Maybe this guy really does NOT want to run and this is way to make sure he doesn’t win; if so, it’s a good strategy.

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