Thune Statement on Russia’s Aggression

Thune Statement on Russia’s Aggression

“The only thing Putin responds to is strength, so the United States must send a strong and unified message that this aggression will not be tolerated.”

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today released the following statement regarding Russia’s aggression in Ukraine:

“The United States, NATO, and Ukraine must not back down to Vladimir Putin’s demands to undermine regional security or yield to his visions of remaking a malign Soviet sphere of influence,” said Thune. “In recognizing the independence of, and overtly sending troops to, regions in eastern Ukraine, Putin has rejected diplomatic efforts, violated Ukraine’s sovereignty, and further stoked tensions toward the brink of devastating conflict.

“Throughout his revisionist justification for his latest aggressions, Putin made clear that Russia will always claim it is the victim, despite an obvious track record to the contrary. The United States and its partners must stand united against Russian hostilities, including by implementing biting sanctions that target the Russian energy sector that seeks to prey on Western energy security.

“In addition to demonstrating resolute leadership against Russia’s object defiance of the rule of law, the United States must also reinvigorate our domestic energy resources to insulate consumers and allies from collateral sanctions damage, as well as renew our defense commitments and ensure our armed forces are fully equipped to deter and defend against mounting threats.

“For weeks, President Biden has been talking the talk on a U.S. response to a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Now it’s time for him to start walking the walk. We had the opportunity to send Putin a clear message before this unnecessary invasion, including by preemptively cutting off the Putin Pipeline, but President Biden and his Democrat allies in Congress sat on their hands.

“The only thing Putin responds to is strength, so the United States must send a strong and unified message that this aggression will not be tolerated. In addition to making it clear that there are more sanctions on the table, including those in the NYET Act, we must provide the necessary support to our NATO allies and assist Ukraine with what it needs to fight this battle.”

Last week, Thune and a majority of his Senate Republican colleagues introduced the Never Yielding Europe’s Territory (NYET) Act to provide the critical support Ukraine needs to defend itself and deter Russian aggression while imposing real costs on the Kremlin for its ongoing and potential future aggression against Ukraine.


4 thoughts on “Thune Statement on Russia’s Aggression”

  1. DO NOT AEND OUR TROOPS TO FIGHT IN UKRAINE FOR UKRAINES BORDERS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!! What the hell is wrong with Thune? He must be getting money from the industrial complex or one of its profiting contractors because he is willing to sign away the safety and security of the American soldier to fight for a country that doesn’t even BELONG TO NATO, therefore we have NO business protecting it with American blood or funding of any kind- WHY ISNT THE SENATE DEMANDING BIDEN PROTECT AMERICANS and out American border?! This is so insane and only highlights Thune corruption and ineptitude. He’s not doing a thing about the invasion of our COUNTRY!! Yet, he wants us to pay for Ukraine’s security and protection with our soldiers lives and our tax dollars?! Who the H do you think you are John Thune? We are going to get rid of you soon, but it can’t be soon enough. What a disgrace you are to SD and this nation.

    1. Do you HONESTLY think that Putin is going to stop with the Ukraine?
      He’s going to try to expand and start taking back any non-NATO country that used to be part of the USSR and then go after Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania – which ARE Nato countries.
      Should we be sending boots on the ground to the Ukraine? Right now, no, but economic sanctions and helping supply the Ukrainian Government may cause Putin to blink. If we can make this expensive for the Russian Oligarchy, they may be able to pull him back before this becomes an actual war.
      We are, and have been moving into the Cold War 2.0 for the last 10 years…This is just the latest front.

  2. Mr. Biden has announced that he will impose economic sanctions against Russia. I’m no expert — I don’t know if that will succeed. What I do know is that the sanctions will lead to higher energy prices for American consumers. I acknowledge and accept that severe international crises may demand we impose sanctions to punish bad actors and support free nations. Yet, if we use that tool, our government must (simultaneously) do everything possible to lower domestic energy costs. Given 2022’s record inflation and the skyrocketing fuel prices local families face, our government should quickly approve pipelines and expedite pending applications to explore, drill, refine, and utilize oil, natural gas, and ethanol located & created within North America. Hence, I agree that “the United States must reinvigorate our domestic energy resources” to insulate consumers from international sanctions’ collateral damage.

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