Twin GOP events on either end of the State, both featuring writers.

The SDGOP had well attended events on either end of the State last night; the Pennington County Lincoln Day Dinner in Rapid City and the Freedom Rally in Sioux Falls. 

What just struck me is that both of these events were headlined with book authors. 

Rapid City was headlined by Peggy Grande, personal assistant to Ronald Reagan, and author of “The President Will See You Now.” Sioux Falls’ freedom rally was headlined by David Horowitz, who has written a number of books.

Compare that to the Democrats, who closed the events of the day to the press to have an internal power struggle which culminated with hosting Congressman Keith Ellison, a Bernie Sanders supporter who talks about getting rid of the second amendment.

In the marketplace of ideas, it sounds like South Dakota Republicans had a resounding win over closed door Democrats last night.

2 thoughts on “Twin GOP events on either end of the State, both featuring writers.”

  1. GOP is more educated and intelligent than the Dems. Republicans base their political positions on facts and results. Dems base their politics on emotions and they think the end justifies the means.

  2. Dr. Unruh was hilarious! His one-liners would evaporate the SJW snowflakes. Thanks to all speakers, they were well worth our time and ticket price was reasonable. Republicans (the entire spectrum) need to stop being so nice and stand up to the attack on our freedoms. Ok, so now what? What are our Reps going to do….Defund PP? Repeal ACA? Actions speak louder than words and the GOP needs to act.

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