Democrat Bjorkman allegedly going to shun party, run for Congress as Indy (Or maybe not…)

Bob Mercer is reporting that retired Democrat Judge Tim Bjorkman is actually going to pull a Mike Huether, and shun the Democrat Party label in favor of being identified as an independent:

It’s pretty bad for Dems when officeholders such as Bjorkman look at what being a registered Democrat brings him…. and chooses to identify himself as something else.

UPDATE….. Or maybe not…

7 thoughts on “Democrat Bjorkman allegedly going to shun party, run for Congress as Indy (Or maybe not…)”

  1. Good for him! Great strategy! We need more reasonable, well established and respected South Dakotans to step forward and do the same.

  2. I guess I’ll wait until the person announces it himself. If he does, I wonder if he actually taking a page from Huether and sticking his finger in the air to show which way the wind is blowing and making a decision based upon public sentiment because he has no core beliefs of his own.

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