Update on Minnehaha GOP VC trying to recruit petition carriers. How many candidates does she get to support against Republicans before it’s not ok?

If you saw my post from earlier today, the gist of it is that Minnehaha County GOP Vice-Chair Jennifer Foss is out on Facebook in her anti-Republican group trying to recruit petition carriers for an Independent candidate for Congress to run against Republican Dusty Johnson.

Of course, I pointed out this fact, and Karen called for the manager… er, Minnehaha County GOP Vice-Chair Foss is trying to claim she’s somehow given herself permission to do that, rants after me for pointing out her own words, and calls people in her Facebook group snitches:

Somehow the Minnehaha County Republican Vice-Chair is claiming her actions are ok, because she’s abstaining from circulating petitions for an Independent candidate.. nevermind that she’s active in trying to recruit people to do so, as noted in her prior post..

Maybe it’s just me, but if one is trying to recruit petition carriers, it would not seem that someone is supporting the Republican candidate.

Why should anybody care?  Well, there is this handbook running around where officers of the Republican Party – such as Minnehaha County GOP Vice-Chair Foss –  had some specific expectations placed on them…

The point being, can the Vice-Chair of a County Republican organization – who is allegedly supposed to abide by the SDGOP Code of Conduct – help run and participate in on-line forums where she’s trying to recruit opponents to a Republican officeholder? And furthermore, can the Vice-Chair of a County GOP organization try to recruit petition carriers for a different political affiliation to run against the Republican Candidate for Congress?

How many Independents or Democrats does the Minnehaha County GOP Vice-Chair have to recruit to run against Republican candidates before it’s NOT ok?

I would venture that Foss is violating at least 2 or 3 rules in the GOP Code of Conduct. And as vice-chair, she is continuously and repeatedly attacking Republican Party candidates (and officeholders). If she was just Karen off the street, who cares? But as the Vice-Chair of a County Republican Organization – especially the largest one in the state – that Code of Conduct would appear to put some pre-qualifications on her conduct, especially when it comes to attacking Republican candidates.

If the Vice-Chair of the Minnehaha GOP wants to run people against Republican candidates, she should resign from her position.  Lacking that, it’s long past due for her to be removed.

10 thoughts on “Update on Minnehaha GOP VC trying to recruit petition carriers. How many candidates does she get to support against Republicans before it’s not ok?”

  1. That she has risen to a leadership position in our largest county is indicative of the fact that once these people get in, no sane person wants to participate in the Party’s county wide activities.

    1. I agree. Right now, the average Republican voter has a pretty low opinion of politics, and many traditional businessowners and professionals who have been long time supporters are changing their registration to indy, and not looking back.

  2. “When is it not okay?”

    It became okay when nearly half the delegates to the state convention stood up to be counted in opposition to a resolution endorsing the top of the ticket, and they were not immediately stripped of their credentials and escorted out of the building.
    The acquiescence of the exec board to that atrocity was unspoken consent.

    The party is a private organization and can expel anybody they want. People who don’t support Republican candidates are not qualified to serve as members of the state or county central committees.
    If the state executive board doesn’t wake up and rain hell-fire down on these people, the party is finished.

  3. a decade ago on top gear u.k., the hosts had to run a ridiculous off-road race, in a car with a body crafted from cow bones and hide from a packing plant. the goal was to have as much of the cow make it through the race as possible. the current evolution of the gop evokes memories of this race.

    1. But it IS a distinct political AFFILIATION when it’s on a ballot and running against the Republican party candidates.

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