USD Students contemplating harboring illegal aliens, and refusing inquiries on immigration status

From the Argus Leader, The University of South Dakota Student Senate is apparently setting themselves up to demand that the University willfully deny any inquiries into students’ immigration status, and to declare itself a sanctuary campus where illegal aliens will be shielded:

Student leaders at the University of South Dakota this week debated a measure to make the school a “sanctuary campus.”

The USD Student Government Association passed a resolution Tuesday night urging university administrators to create a policy to protect undocumented students.

Only three USD students are undocumented, said administrator Scott Pohlson, but the resolution’s sponsor Josh Arens hopes the measure is a way for administrators to hear student concerns over President Donald Trump’s immigration policies.


The student government resolution asks USD to assign a contact person to handle all inquiries of a student’s citizenship status.

It recommends that the school create a series of informational sessions to educate students on their rights in regards to federal immigration agents.

It would also prohibit campus security from inquiring about a student’s immigration status, enforcing immigration laws or working with federal agencies including ICE and CBP.

Students who were detained or deported would also be able to continue their education at USD online, according to the resolution.

The main hangup is the provision prohibiting campus security from enforcing immigration laws, Pohlson said.


Read it all here.

Should the legislature step in if there are students who intend to demand that universities violate the law, and demand that police stop policing?

25 thoughts on “USD Students contemplating harboring illegal aliens, and refusing inquiries on immigration status”

  1. So they know of three undocumented students and they are turning a blind eye to it…

    then to seek to pass such a measure is sad….I think they should be removed from office…and as with cities money should be cut off.

    No one is above the law.

  2. I think it is time to clamp down on these kids, mayors, and governors who think they can decide what laws they will and won’t enforce. I bet if there was a bakery in Vermillion who didn’t want to bake a cake for a gay wedding these same nitwit students would demand that they be sued out of existence. South Dakota needs to take back control of their public school/university systems and stop this leftwing nonsense.

    I for one won’t be sending my kids to any public college or university.

  3. I remember in the 60’s politicians attempted to silence student resistance to the Viet Nam War by threatening expulsion for anybody not adhering to the government line. That worked real well.

    1. This is breaking the law, twit. We are entitled to sovereignty as a nation. Mexico demands it: why can’t we?

  4. Resistance to the Vietnam war was an idea; it didn’t break any law unless that person refused the draft. This is different. This is open defiance of an existing law. I don’t like paying taxes; maybe I should refuse to pay them and see how far I get with that. I don’t always like the posted speed limits, but if I disobey them and get caught, good luck with saying I just don’t agree with the speed limit so I don’t have to obey it. We are a nation of laws. If each individual can decide which he/she wants to obey, then we have no law and have anarchy. Maybe this is truly what these people want actually.

  5. I would certainly hope the legislature doesn’t need to get involved… If President Abbott doesn’t swiftly and decisively remind the students that they’re not in charge, he doesn’t deserve to stay there!

  6. They aren’t in charge, that’s the thing. People are getting all worked up over students expressing their beliefs, just like they did in the 60’s. Somehow the Republic survived and the world continued spinning. Give it a rest.

    1. Read the article where it describes the student body president vetoed it. He indiuindiucated that the administration would support whichever decision the SB made. The administration should be deported. What would give the administration the right to break the law?

  7. Anyone who was wondering about the quality of higher education and sees this “proposal” is likely reach a conclusion our tax dollars would be better spent anywhere else.

    Janklow was willing to buy bus tickets for parolees to go to California. We would be better off if we bought these morons bus tickets to California.

    1. Completely agree. I’d like to know the names of the students that are voting for this. Promoting and encouraging law breaking isn’t something I want in our PUBLIC universities. Weiland for Mayor of Sioux Falls and now this? The left is having a temper tantrum I do believe. Who again said elections have consequences? Hummmm

  8. Troy, you are becoming just as intolerant as the anti-Catholic movement. You refuse to accept the expression of any political belief other than your own. You are better than that.

    1. I stand by my statement. I think these students are morons and fail any standard of critical intelligent thought and an embarrassment to their peers.

      I have no problem with students protesting or otherwise advocating a change in law or even performing civil disobedience where they may be arrested. In fact, I’ll defend their rights even if I disagree with their message.

      But, I have no patience for people to advocate for OTHERS to break the law and subject OTHERS to arrest. A failure of the administration and other students to properly admonish these morons for advocating nullification and law breaking by OTHERS is an indication USD is failing to prepare people to think and thus are not worth taxpayer expenditure.

      1. Troy, can you think of an occasion when you might have patience and compassion for people to advocate for others to break the break the law?

    2. I think Troy is resisting the desire of some to break the law and give up our nation’s sovereignty.

  9. This would not be happening if the law of the land had not been tossed aside by our previous national leaders. They swore to uphold the laws of our land. They do not have any right to decide which law they want to follow and which one to ignore. We need to unify as a nation and demand laws be enforced. Everyone feels bad for the family of someone who goes to prison but it was their choice to break the law so they have to pay the consequences. I am wondering who is paying the tuition for these 3 illegals at USD. Are they paying the same tuition that other international students are paying?

  10. Other issues aside, this pretty much made some – not all – of the USD student government look like dufuses. As I understand it their student body president vetoed it, sounds like a thinker (or common sense, normal person)

    1. I dunno; he said he voted against it so the school didn’t lose federal money, not because it is against the law.

  11. You must remember that many (a majority?) of these “kids” are acing tests and winning popularity contests and having a luscious time on Daddy’s dime thinking of themselves as elite geniuses yet double their age and they will surely acknowledge their heads were filled with gushy liberal mush at the time. Kudos to the student body President.

  12. It seems some here don’t distinguish between protesting a law and breaking it. Oh dear.

    All sorts of things come to mind here: the harboring of fugitives, obstruction of justice, misprision of a felony….I would think one of the things people should avoid while in college is a criminal record. I am sure their parents would appreciate it.
    It could adversely affect the school’s placement statistics, too, if a large number of graduates are unemployable due to convictions for criminal offenses.

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