Willadsen to Convention of States: Keep your contribution, I’m done with you

District 9 State Senate Candidate Mark Willadsen had been the recipient of a donation from Convention of States this election, but after seeing some of their attack ads against candidates, he said thanks, but no thanks. And also hinted that they are dead to him:

Hearing from a few people as well that Convention of States made a grave miscalculation this election, and that they probably shouldn’t bother to show up at the next session, as it’s going to be a long time before people forget their attack ads.

21 thoughts on “Willadsen to Convention of States: Keep your contribution, I’m done with you”

  1. Why did he cc the people he did?

    Are they the targets? Can anyone clarify?

    What are the half-truths, innuendo and outright lies that he complains about?

    1. Yes, they are the east river targets of COS, Senator Johnson is the only COS target from west river. They’re all targets because they’ve refused over the years to be bought by COS campaign bribes, or because they didn’t melt like other legislators/snowflakes under COS threats. There are a few snowflakes in the legislature who very recently caved or flipped their voting under COS threats. They’re “legislators” with no backbone, and they can’t hide, especially now that COS has gone over the top with their slimy PAC tactics against the targets mentioned above.

  2. Okay, someone who’s on published record for standing up to Meckler and his group. Until there are penalties with ‘TEETH’ to deter CoS delegates from helping turn a CoS into a runaway convention, I will never support one. The problem is not that document; the problem is the majority of those 535 occupants of our U.S. House and Senate WHO ARE NOT DOING THEIR JOBS at the least…but RE-ELECTED FOR THEIR INCOMPETENCE! This breed of representatives in both chambers is not of the same moral character of those who wrote and passed this document. There were no Soros, Zuckerbergs, Gates, Rothchilds and others of their ilk who hate our country who could easily bribe ALL delegates with $10M EACH to vote he way they want. It takes 38 delegates to pass a CoS and $380M is just a drop in the bucket for these four plus their international cohorts who want our country to fail. A minimum of a five-year mandatory federal prison time at the least; execution for treason at the most for violating their Oath as a Convention delegate should be a deterrent to keeping their pledges to those who send them to the Convention. KUDOS to Senator Willadsen for standing up to CoS. I am proud to be supporting three District 30 candidates (Senator Frye-Mueller, Representative Ladner and Representative candidate Gennaro) who are on record as opposing this threat to our Constitution. In closing, let it be known that as far as I know, no one opposing a CoS is paid; Mark Meckler, his wife and son receive a combined estimate of $5M for pushing this agenda. Are THEY sell-outs or useful pawns?

    1. Thanks I have been waiting for someone to explain the opponent’s concern in detail. I have a parliamentary inquiry type question that is not germane to the conduct of the advocates however? As I read article 5 and the various websites discussing it, it appears that yes the states vote to hold a convention (instead of an amendment being created by congress, which is the only method that has been used so far), yes they then send a delegate who would discuss, negotiate and draft the exact language, and vote, without specific restrictions, so yes it is possible that they could all conspire to change the original topic, and therefore I can see your scenario as “possible”…but doesnt ?

      “when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress”

      Mean that whatever said delegates decide must still be sent back to the states and then also ratified by 3/4 of the legislatures? Wouldn’t bribing that many more people be a little larger challenge? Correct me if I am reading this wrong please

      1. Thank you for your question sir and yes, your numbers are correct. My point is that the above-named persons and their similar-minded associates (and I forgot to add the Rockefellers) would love to have the opportunity to change us by any means necessary to void our Constitution and the millions in bribes the can offer is NOTHING to them. I DO AGREE that things must change like a mandatory balanced budget, term limits and my great concern and question is: “In Whom Can You Place Unshakeable Trust?”. That is why I want those tough and mandatory penalties for those who go to a Convention and all who have to vote on such an important issue an betray us in the end.

  3. I do not know why he CC’d Senator Mary Duvall. But when I got an attack mailer about her, FULL OF LIES, I sat down and wrote her a check.

    Liars get away with lying, when honest people lack the guts to stand up for each other.

    1. No one knows more about Negative campaigning than you Mark, everyone remembers Kirby v Barnett and all the lies you told.

      I have seem the flyers and Duvall is 100% establishment, she headed up the committee to gerrymandering out conservatives.

      1. Negative campaign is one thing, but telling lies is a whole lot different, so would you care to say what the lies were that you say Barnet said? Btw, I believe Mr Kirby had fired the first salvo as he was trailing Barnett at the time.

  4. grudznick also has expanded my support to include candidates being targeted by this organization. I can have no truck with the fellows putting out these lies.

  5. I offered a “no hit” deal to every opponent in every race, both primary and general, in every election. Ask Mike Rounds, Mike Butler, etc.

    Some took it, some famously did not. When I did fire off a negative ad, it was in response to an “incoming negative ad.” My experts told me I had to start hitting Mike Rounds. I refused. They asked why? “Cuz he hasn’t hit me.”

    I stand by the truth of the negative ads I did run in just one out of my four campaigns, and was entirely ready to prove them in a court of law, in front of a jury. Something I know how to do.

    And I at least, put my name on these comments, unlike the “brave” but conveniently anonymous guy that called me a liar, above. State your name, if you have the brass.

    And let us not digress from the topic…..Mary Duvall is an excellent senator, well worth another term. She works hard, tells the truth, and is not likely to take orders from out of state ATTACK-PACS.

    1. It’s not like these out of state groups ask her opponent what to do. They just don’t like Duvall.

  6. What COS operatives tell Legislators and the Public is not true. Here’s a short list of some of COS’s false assurances:

    1. State Legislatures have no power to select and control Delegates to an Article V Convention. There is no such thing as a convention controlled by the States to address our federal Constitution. To the Contrary, it is a federal convention, called by the federal government, for the federal purpose of addressing our federal Constitution. It is not a State function : https://publiushuldah.files.wordpress.com/2022/02/state-legislatures-have-no-power-to-select-or-control-delegates-feb.-28-2022.pdf

    2. The phrase, “a convention for proposing Amendments”, which appears in Article V, does not restrict Delegates to “proposing amendments”. In Federalist Paper No. 40, James Madison, a Delegate to the Federal Convention of 1787, invoked the “self-evident” Right of a People to throw off one government and set up a new one (which is recognized in our Declaration of Independence) as justification for the Delegates’ ignoring their instructions to propose Amendments to the Articles of Confederation and instead writing a new Constitution (with an easier mode of ratification) which created a new form of government : https://publiushuldah.files.wordpress.com/2022/03/what-the-convention-lobby-isnt-telling-you-about-our-declaration-of-independence-sep-21-2020.pdf

    3. James Madison warned that those who secretly wish to get rid of our Constitution would push for an Article V Convention under the pretext of “getting Amendments”: https://publiushuldah.files.wordpress.com/2021/01/how-to-get-a-new-constitution-under-the-pretext-of-proposing-amendments.pdf

    4. Robert P. George, a Member of Mark Meckler’s “COS” Legal Advisory Board, has already co-authored a new Constitution which transfers massive new powers to a new federal government and imposes gun controls and red flag confiscations : https://publiushuldah.files.wordpress.com/2022/02/an-article-v-convention-made-easy-feb-2-2022.pdf

    5. The various organizations pushing for a Convention tell State Legislators that Congress “can’t” call a convention unless they get 34 applications which are the same. But the Truth is it’s up to Congress to decide when they have 34 valid applications. And the convention lobby doesn’t believe their own talking points because they are aggregating applications passed in 1789, 1861 to avert the Civil War, 1901 for popular election of US Senators; with applications passed in recent decades for a “balanced budget” amendment, to come up with what they now claim are 33 active applications : https://publiushuldah.files.wordpress.com/2022/02/bba-33-active-article-v-applications.pdf

    6. The above is why James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, 4 US Supreme Court Justices (2 Conservatives & 2 Liberals) and many other legal scholars warn against an Article V Convention: https://publiushuldah.files.wordpress.com/2021/04/brilliant-men-ben-franklin-v.-meckler-ap.-18-2021.pdf

    7. Mark Meckler is also not telling the Truth when he ridicules the statement that he is funded by BIG MONEY and claims that he is funded by “Grandmas” sending him $5.00 checks out of their paltry monthly income. The truth is that Meckler’s operation is funded by BIG MONEY and his multi-billionaire donors send him millions of dollars every year: Dark money[1]—not the grassroots—is behind the Convention of States organizations https://www.renewamerica.com/columns/caler/220503

    8. And if Legislators are so concerned about federal spending and federal control, then they should stop taking federal money to implement unconstitutional federal programs in their State! It is hypocritical to preen moral outrage over “out of control federal spending” when one has his hands out for every federal dollar he can get.

    9. The COS leadership and lemmings are notorious for viciously smearing those who expose their untruthful claims and false assurances.

    I urge those of you who now support this organization to look at the linked documents – check out the original source documents at the links, and get your eyes opened.

    Joanna Martin, J.D.
    “Publius Huldah”

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