Governor Kristi Noem weighs in on Argus Leader’s barnyard language headline

52 thoughts on “Governor Kristi Noem weighs in on Argus Leader’s barnyard language headline”

  1. Governor Noem. You complain about an “irresponsible headline” when you presided over 14 Covid deaths… just today?

    1. SD has one of the lowest per capita covid death rates.

      You are pathetic for using dead bodies for your politics.

      Please leave SD.

      1. Correction. It’s Kristi’s politics, and policies, that are responsible for this. Not mine.

        As for the death rate. You know deaths lag positive cases by a month or more. We’re catching up fast, aren’t we?

        We’ve had 14 deaths in a single day. True or not, Realist?

      2. Realist tells me to “please leave SD”.

        Who told you that you were in charge of my life?

        1. You think you can tell me to move from SD but the governor can’t ask you to wear a mask even if it saves lives.

      3. In recent days, SD’s mortality rate per capita is 4.4 times that of the US. You’re looking at deaths to date (SD is 35th) and ignore that despite the time afforded us by SD’s rurality in the early part of the pandemic, which we did nothing with, events like Sturgis, Central States Fair, and a total ignorance of masks means we now are amongst the highest cases per capita, our active cases area at a high, and our current mortality rate is the highest in the country, Our hospitals are creaking (I work in one).

    2. Anyone who’s politicizing the death of anyone the way you and Biden Harris campaign are doing are the lowest scum. People are suffering because of an illness no human on the earth has been able to control yet (hopefully a vaccine comes soon) and you try to score political points by directly blaming Noem. She didn’t create the virus. Has her response been perfect? No. Not at all. Is she doing her best? I hope so.

      You’re a pathetic individual who has zero empathy for your fellow person. I’m praying for you.

      1. Noem is the one traveling the country politicizing this. Bragging about the job she has done.

        Don’t try to blame me. I know someone who died this week. When the governor refuses to keep these cases from rising, I hold her responsible. She caused this five-fold increase in cases.

        You can try to deflect blame but it won’t work. She was warned repeatedly about ignoring medical science. She defied the experts and now wants us to think she has no culpability.

        1. People need to take self responsibility. Wear a mask or don’t. I don’t care. This stste values freedom. She’s doing what I voted for and represents that vote. You want a nanny state? There’s plenty to choose from Ilk.

    3. Keep hammering the same topic, elk; it seems like you can’t think of anything else. If a Democrat was in charge and let South Dakotans keep their freedom would you constantly be bringing up the Wuhan China Virus? Probably not.

        1. Of course the point of the above commenter went straight over your head. I will type slowly so you might be able to understand ……The…….point…….of……the…..above……comment……was…….to…..point….out……your…..hypocracy.

          1. My hypocrisy?

            I said in July, right here on this blog, that Kristi was playing with fire. Our Covid numbers would skyrocket. The illnesses and deaths would increase dramatically if she refused to listen to medical experts. I even used the words “bank on it”. Some of you ridiculed me at the time.

            Now that it has happened, I am a “hypocrite”? I am described here as “pathetic”, “irresponsible” and “scum”?

            1. Oh, and at least three times, I should move out of state. Thanks for all the advice.

              I am just the messenger. And I’m staying.

              1. The question is still not answered …..What if the governor’s seat was occupied by a democrat, would you still be so critical?

                  1. You are a typical libtard. Your unwillingness to respond answers the question…..if a dem were in charge you would think everything is fine.

                    1. I am a Republican but I don’t care what Kristi Noem’s party is. I do care that she refuses to do what it takes to protect us.

                      But you won’t believe me because that doesn’t fit into your neat little preconceived notions.

  2. Since midsummer, Kristi has allowed our cases to increase five-fold. Five times the illnesses. Five times the deaths. 80% of which should have been prevented. We should have stayed at or below 850 active cases instead of our new record of 4,673! And rising. Now we must try to keep our schools open in this mess.

    She was warned that failing to encourage masks and social distancing would result in this spike, but she knew better than the experts.

    1. Maybe it’s hard to govern when you’re jetting around the country stumping for a lost cause.

      1. If Biden and KommieLaw Harris win America will be a lost cause. If you like less freedom and socialism you can’t understand that, but I don’t expect much out of liberals.

        1. Not “if”. They will win.

          They will probably even win Sioux Falls while SD still goes for Trump but by a much smaller number than 2016.

          Doesn’t the Tenhaken poll show Biden wins 48-42 in the city?

      1. Do you think “personal responsibility” includes large gatherings without masks and distancing, during a pandemic? Well, I’d rather follow responsible organizations like the CDC than Kristi’s fatal policies.

        1. Do you live in South Dakota? If so, why don’t you move to Michigan where Wretched Whitmer is trying to squelch all freedoms? You sound like you’d be happier in a fascist state.

          1. We see how your gun-toting friends in Michigan have been dealing with a governor they don’t like. Here, we are civilized.

    2. I believe Governor Noem has asked people who are vulnerable to take proper precautions. That would include staying at home rather than going out and about. This is not irresponsible. As for your 80% number, you don’t know that. You are pulling that out of the same place your head is right now. I also believe she has recommended wearing masks. This is something that is ineffective, but it makes people happy they are doing something. She has also encouraged people to social distance.
      I have been subbing in the Sioux Falls School system this fall. As I write this, I am at a middle school that has plastic barriers on the desks. Students are also required to mask up. There are all kinds of places for students to wash their hands with sanitizer. If the student uses a classroom item such as a ruler, it has to be sanitized. There are measures being taken to alleviate some of the risks.
      You are a person who wants to hide in his basement. It explains your support for Hiden’ Biden. Most of the people are willing to weigh the risks and go on with their lives. The mortality rate of this disease is turning out to be in the neighborhood of the flu. I suppose you will now advocate shutting down for that this fall.

  3. Elk,

    Why don’t you outline specifically what she should do different AND then get the Democrat legislative candidates to make it their top campaign priority?

    By the way, if we had 80% less deaths, our per capita death number would be 10% the national average and 5% of the average per capita death number of the states run by Democrats.

    In other words, your rants are just uninformed nonsense. Set an example for the Democrat legislators and say something relevant. Maybe then you’d have more than 15 members while Republicans have 90 members AND your registration percentage wouldn’t keep falling.

      1. She didn’t drop the ball. She did what the people that voted for her wanted to do Ilk. Take self responsibility. Try it some time

        1. She encouraged large gatherings without masks. She dismissed social distancing and other guidelines. She has been bragging about it too.

          Despite all of the warnings, the governor allowed this to balloon to six times the cases we had in midsummer but – let me be clear. Kristi Noem is not responsible for the virus.

          She is not responsible for all of the sickness and death in South Dakota. Just 80% of them.

          And you want me to take responsibility?

          1. Yes, for yourself. Id you fall in the high risk categories then take precautions and isolate. I’ve known many that have had it and they weathered it fine. Some even being high risk. As schools opened up and people started resuming schedules this was bound to occur. Delaying the inevitable outbreak had to happen at some point but the vulnerable need to take precautions while the rest need to get the economy going again as the cure you stating (keeping everything closed) is worse then the cure.
            Getting the virus for a healthy person isn’t a bad thing. Transferring to a vulnerable is.

            1. From Team Noem… September 30th.

              The governor could be heard saying, “Less COVID, more hunting. That’s the plan for the future.”

              Did you believe her?

  4. Here are the death rates for some different age groups, according to the CDC:
    65-74: 1.7%
    75-84: 4.5%
    85+: 13.5%
    That’s the percentage which can be expected to die in any given year, without a pandemic.

    Now compare that to the SD Department of Health’s demographic data for the people who have contracted covid and died of it:

    60-69: 2664 cases, 43 deaths, 1.6%
    79-79: 1353 cases, 52 deaths, 3.8%
    80+: 986 cases, 136 deaths, 13.7%

    Do you see a pattern here?

    Almost 3 million people in the US die every year. Life expectancy in the US is 78.7; average age at death for Covid victims is 78.
    It’s going to be really interesting to see how many “extra” deaths will have occurred when the 2020 stats are finally tabulated.

    1. This is very good and pertinent information. If you’d have gone down to the other age groups, you’d see the same thing: People dying in roughly proportions they die of other causes.

      And, when we know the “extra” deaths, we will be able to compute a cost of every life saved. I’m guessing it will be over $10million per life. And that won’t count the cost of more depression, more suicides, more child hunger, more child and spouse abuse, more addiction and abdication relapses, etc.

      Imagine how many lives we’d have saved if we’d have put just 10% of the money spent on Covid into the cure of cancer and diabetes alone which kills more than Covid EVERY year.

    2. Wait, you mean some people were going to die even without the Wuhan China Virus? Shocking!!! But pointing that out isn’t going to help the Democrats, so you shouldn’t do that.

  5. Who says something this ignorant?

    On July 17th, Kristi Noem said of the virus: “We did, in fact, we according to the national experts, did everything wrong”.

    But don’t blame Kristi… when everything goes wrong.

    1. How has everything gone wrong, Chicken Little? Do you hold contempt for Andrew Cuomo, the Democrat governor of New York?

      1. I have special contempt for people who wear ignorance as a badge of honor. Bragging about doing “everything wrong” is one of the most striking examples I have ever seen.

        1. Why don’t you answer the question? How about Gov Cuomo and his decision to put Cov+ patients into nursing homes?

          1. Where else do you put them? We put covid positive patients back into nursing homes in Madison and Sioux Falls. If they aren’t that bad, they need to go back to their care providers. There really isn’t any other option. We don’t have facilities to handle these cases and they can’t take up hospital beds unless they need to be in there. You can’t send them to family. What do you propose we do with the sick elderly?

  6. 772. Today, we had 772 “new” cases. In one day.

    Just for reference, we had an average of roughly 850 “active” cases in midsummer. Do you see the problem?

    Active cases cover a period of two weeks!

    1. I see we have 5188 active cases and 267 of them are sick enough to be hospitalized.
      That’s a hospitalization rate of 5.14% Other states have death rates higher than that.

      Viruses, like every living thing, live to replicate. They mutate rapidly. There are two ways for a virus to increase production: become more contagious and/or less lethal. That way it jumps from host to host and is spread by people who live long enough to spread it around. A virus which causes its hosts to drop dead rapidly doesn’t do as well.

      Given the number of SD residents who are testing positive, and the number who report mild if any symptoms, it’s looking like the virus is indeed becoming more contagious and less lethal.

  7. President dropped an F-bomb on Limbaugh today. Any pearl clutching to be had here over that?

    1. Not here. I believe I can count on one hand the number of people who have never used that word. There are lots of words that are considered taboo, but honest people will tell you that yes, they have used a taboo word in the past too.

      1. Hey, I don’t judge. I just mentioned it because PP devoted two headlines to tut-tutting the language used in the Argus Leader’s headline.

    2. Wow, you are astounded that someone used the F-Bomb?

      You aren’t around high school boys and girls much are you?

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