35 thoughts on “Group flies Nazi Flag in front of State Capital”

  1. I agree. Horrible. Creepy.

    But that they can do it shows we are better than them and it is a reminder there are some really evil people in our midst.

    1. “Both Governor Kristi Noem and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) issued responses to the march condemning the actions of the group.”

      The above was copied directly from the article the link takes one to. That’s how you back up what you say…not that you would know anything about that.

      1. you people are so over-sensitive and touchy. how does a cretinous group like this come to feel so bold? so ready-for-prime-time? i just observe causes and effects. groups stand their ground at a place they feel should be “their ground.”

          1. Enquirer,

            Having trouble your bias caused you to jump to a conclusion and make a false accusation?

            You are at least consistent: You can be counted on to model just want you condemn in others.

          2. when a leader encourages a climate of extreme political action, their swift disclaimer when it happens is meaningless. i can’t picture a single time a thing like this would have happened 20 years ago.

            1. So tell us, where was your superior moral condemnation of Kamala Harris during the “summer of love?” To paraphrase Harris…they should protest, they shouldn’t stop protesting, and they aren’t going to stop protesting. Then she turns around and creates a Go-Fund-Me for bail money for those that were arrested for burning down a police station.

              Joe Biden has completely neglected the rule of law at the border for over 3 years. When Governor Noem calls him out on it as a national crisis, you…YOU…criticize her and call it political grandstanding. So this looks to me like you are condoning lawless behavior? It’s people like you who are content to sit back and remain silent when lawless behavior occurs and then are shocked when events like this happen because bad behavior hasn’t been addressed.

              And by the way, a few short posts ago you stated this, “nice to have a governor condemn this, even if it’s a previous governor. thanks.” Then you post this, “their swift disclaimer when it happens is meaningless.”

              So, in your previous post you said she didn’t respond, and your criticism was proven wrong and now your latest post you are criticizing her immediate condemnation as meaningless.

              What’s the matter sport? Your NDS getting the best of you?

            2. there’s an overall tone in today’s politics that i remain dissatisfied with. sorry to have made you type all that. expressing is hard isn’t it.

              1. Deflection and avoidance…typical of Ms. Enquire. Backing up what you spout is even more difficult for you.

                1. i clearly say what i say. you just say what YOU say and stop wasting time trying to retrain me or hit my hot buttons. none of you ever own up to the intrinsic evil of your support for hiding trump’s 2020 loss and 2020-2021 attempted election theft and insurrection.

                  1. And I the meantime the border isn’t a problem…right. let’s talk about the rule of law. I’m sure Laken Rilly’s(sp) parents would love to hear you explain the border isn’t a problem.

                    1. affirm trumps 2020 loss, and 2021 insurrection involvement. until you do, debating true things with you is pointlessly time-wasting.

  2. I’m going with the first Annon. This is a reminder to all of us that evil exists and we need to be vigilant. Also, Insulting to South Dakotans that they used our Capitol as their prop

    1. Alas, evil has been allowed recently – when it was politically convenient. Gone are the days of calling a spade a spade – and letting things slide, if it benefits your team.

  3. My grandfathers didn’t kill Nazis across every part of Europe and North America for THIS. On behalf of them and all of my Jewish colleagues, I swear that If I see the swastika flown within eyeshot of me, there WILL be blood and violence. Damned be the consequences that may follow.

  4. They are not just a social club. Our Party cannot tolerate groups that advocate violence within our membership.

    1. It has been tolerated since at least 2016.. Trump said in 2017 – “there are fine people on both sides.” No, if you are a racist/nazi – you’re not “fine people.” But here we are, with folks defending comments like this – because they believe it will help their side win.

  5. Why didn’t we have a state reaction to this like the time the “hippies invaded the black hills”? I think we had intel on their arrival months out, and a mobile jail and court was developed to process the three people busted for marijuana possession. When Nazi’s show up at the capital, we get a tweet three days later….priorities.

    1. There was no heads up. Hard to prepare for something that you don’t know is gonna happen.

      These guys literally fled Pierre before nearly anyone knew they were here.

  6. Curious if they are just out of state name caller NAZIS that are making the state capitols tour for shock value or are they residents of South Dakota.

    We have enough problems with all the wackadoodle conspiracy enthusiasts that moved to South Dakota recently to get their freedumb. Sure hope we don’t have NAZIS moving here now to get their freedumb.

    1. Too late, they are here. They have been here all the time, but now – they have a platform, and an audience. It all comes down do what side are you on. Is it worth selling out, just so your party “wins?” Sadly, a lot of folks will pick “win.”

      1. Trump has a history of praising Hitler along with MAGA Candace Owens about the good things NAZI Germany did.

  7. The Nazis I saw in Idaho, where I was an AP reporter, were all out-of-shape slobs who never disguised their appearance. I’m skeptical of these new guys. They look like skinny Antifa soy-boys, left-wing dolts who always wear masks. Did they pass out literature? Did anyone get names and hometowns? Were any interviewed for stories?

    1. Antifa are very different which supposedly stand for Anti-Fascists. NAZIS are Fascists.

      Antifa is composed of usually pothead anarchists from the extreme left many of which don’t even own cars. The behavior and tactics are different between these two groups too.

      1. Appreciate your explanation. My take is, its name notwithstanding, Antifa is fascist through and through in its words and deeds. Their anarchism is a bonus. As for Nazis, which means National Socialists, when they aren’t hating on Jews and other minorities, they’re perfectly in line with Antifa.

  8. The group is known as the Blood Tribe and they are based out of Maine. We are not the only state this has happened too. They openly direct hatred to Jews, non whites, and the LGBT. It’s quite clear they just want attention….

    1. Good point. So rather than getting in a lather and condemn them, the right answer may be to ignore them because they are insignificant and irrelevant.

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