Tony Venhuizen announces candidacy for State House of Representatives for District 13


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – Tony Venhuizen announced today that he will be a candidate for State House of Representatives from District 13 in this year’s election.

Venhuizen, 39, is a lifelong Republican. He is an attorney and a member of the South Dakota Board of Regents, which oversees the state’s six state universities. Venhuizen served as chief of staff to Governor Kristi Noem and Governor Dennis Daugaard.

“I’m excited to serve our state and the people of District 13 in the State House,” said Venhuizen. “I know the issues, I know the process, and I know how to get things done in Pierre.”

Venhuizen will focus on creating new opportunities for business, protecting the state’s strong financial position, and improving schools and colleges so that young people are prepared to be responsible and productive citizens.

“South Dakota is a great place to raise a family and to do business, and I want to make it even better,” said Venhuizen. “At the same time, we need to protect and preserve the values that have made South Dakota great, and I will always be pro-life, pro-family, and protective of our liberties.”

Venhuizen grew up in Armour, and holds a bachelor’s degree in history and political science from South Dakota State University, and a law degree from the University of South Dakota. He and his wife, Sara, live in Sioux Falls, where he works in trust and estate law and she works as an electrical engineer. Their three children – Henry, Elizabeth, and Madeleine – are students at Robert Frost Elementary School, and the family attends Holy Spirit Catholic Church. Visit to learn more.

5 thoughts on “Tony Venhuizen announces candidacy for State House of Representatives for District 13”

  1. Awesome! More folks like Tony is what SD’s GOP needs.

    The guy lives in empirical reality.

    With Venhuizen in the House and Schoenbeck in the Senate, we might be able to get back to the issues that impact South Dakotans – not people in Portland.

    Let’s pray he undermines Gosch, Hansen, Soye, Haugaard, Odenbach, Howard, and the rest of the “YouTube commentators are the real news” gang.

    Maybe Tony can introduce a bill that teaches media literacy and logic in k-12 schools? This way, students won’t succumb to CRT -AND- the ‘room-temp IQ talking points’ these shmucks regurgitate on the House floor.

  2. Pat, if elected, will he need to resign from Board of Regents? All in all, I’m not a big Tony fan but if he can further marginalize the wackadoodles in the House then more power to him.

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