2022GOP Primary/Convention Contests Updated. May 2022 Edition of GOP Tale of the Tape.

Wondering what all this primary election folderol is on the Republican side of the aisle? Check out our helpful infographic below for an update on the races.

6 thoughts on “2022GOP Primary/Convention Contests Updated. May 2022 Edition of GOP Tale of the Tape.”

  1. That’s a really nice graphic .. thank you for helping get the word out about Bruce Whalen’s candidacy. That photo is pretty old, though. He turned 60 earlier this year .. he was a spring chicken in the photo you have!

    To see what he looks like now, you can visit his website.

    Bruce is very statesmanlike in his presentation, stalwart in his values, and convicted in his understand of the importance of the US Constitution as written.

  2. Has anyone heard if KELO or public broadcasting will be having any debates or forums among any of these candidates?

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