East Coast Journalists apparently “hate us, because they ain’t us.” South Dakota that is.

According to the American Institute for Economic Research, some of the negative press coming at South Dakota from some journalists over COVID might be.. because we don’t really care what east coast journalists say about South Dakota: What’s driving the anti-Dakotas vendetta is that the mainstream media overwhelmingly support authoritarian measures and governors of both […]

Freedumb Caucus members upset that someone was charged with law they sponsored.

The “Free-dumb Caucus” strikes again.  I know I’m dumber for having read it, but it did generate mirth this afternoon. So, I was sent the semi-anonymous release from the Free-Dumb Caucus this afternoon, whining about the Austin Goss charges, and how he pled them down to disorderly conduct. State Representative Tina Mulally’s name is the […]

Former Argus Reporter Sneve in kerfuffle with current Argus reporter over ‘activist journalism’

Former Argus Leader reporter, Joe Sneve, now of The Dakota Scout, is in a Twitter debate with Argus Leader education reporter Morgan Matzen over the language he used in a story about State Representative Fred Deutsch. It’s an exchange which seems to give some insight into the work conditions that former Argus Reporters Sneve and […]