Dakota News Now announces termination of Austin Goss’ employment

From Dakota News Now, the station for political reporter Austin Goss, who was arrested for a prank call impersonating Governor Kristi Noem, is announcing his termination from employment:

“We learned of the incident involving Austin Goss late last night. Once we gathered the facts, we decided to terminate his employment with our stations. Dakota News Now and KOTA Territory were unaware of Mr. Goss’ activities and deeply regret the lack of judgment he showed, which violated our policies and is contrary to our commitment to the highest standards of journalistic integrity.”

Read the entire story here.

That’s too bad, as everyone makes mistakes.

But, when you’re a political reporter and choose to impersonate one of the people you’re covering, that’s kind of a tough one for an employer to get past.

According to UJS records, Goss is scheduled to make his initial appearance in court in Stanley County on May 23rd.

25 thoughts on “Dakota News Now announces termination of Austin Goss’ employment”

  1. Does this incident replace “the KSFY team driving their car into a Hobo Day bonfire” as the most boneheaded move by SD TV media?

    1. The driver of that KSFY car is now Executive Director of the regional Emmy’s. I kid you not. Maybe 30 years from now life will have worked out pretty well for Austin, too?

      1. …it appears the KSFY reporter has been working for the city of Sarasota, FL as a communications person for nearly 20 years. I’m hopeful Austin can bounce back, but the world is much different now…

  2. What mental processes/gymnastics does one go through to pull stupid stuff?

  3. I hope Austin lands on his feet. This was a rash, foolish thing to do and he is paying a dear price for a lapse in judgment.

    Thank goodness, I myself have never exercised poor judgment, or suffered a lapse in my most excellent judgment, or done anything foolish that hurt anyone else, or made myself or others who are counting on me look bad. That must be a real bummer.

  4. Only a pompous, arrogant, and profoundly intellectually dishonest crap-ass would do such a thing. Hopefully, he gets blacklisted from performing any further so-called “journalistic” roles in society. The man is a moral trainwreck who’s intentionally, with malice aforethought, attempting to harm others. In my book, that’s a PERPETRATION! I’m SO sick of rank and hostile “opinionism” masquerading as arm’s-length news reporting. It’s vile… and only a reprobate soul would attempt such a moronic scheme. Mr. Goss needs both some serious psychotherapy and professional mentoring by a true, old-school journalist to “get” the depth of his error.

    1. “GET OFF MY LAWN!”

      It was obviously incredibly stupid and he lost his job for it.

  5. I didn’t know God changed his name to Sam to pass his judgement. Will make a mental note.

    A person serving received calls from a man claiming to be Matt Micheals. Matt was notified. The DCI took the case and a discrete visit was paid to the caller. End of story.

    1. Mr. Goss is not a high schooler playing a senior-year prank. He was operating as a credentialed journalist with a known news agency in South Dakota. This wasn’t some mechanical error in writing nor a moral failure to do proper background research. Mr. Goss’ scheme was a failed attempt at an ENGINEERED perpetration to intentionally wound others and cause confusion in the political marketplace. I’m not God… I’m simply a truth teller willing to publicly call profound BS on the field of play when it occurs. Too many folks are turning a blind eye to the geopolitical corruption all around us. It’s NOT O.K. and that’s WHY America is on the ropes.

      1. It was a prank call that identified itself as a prank call, not an attempt to destroy America. I despise prank culture, but nearly everyone seems to have overreacted. Hang in there, Austin.

        1. It goes to intent… duh!

          I guess “Anonymous” ascribes to the moral relativity code, i.e.,

          “Come as you are… Do as you please… Anything goes.”

      2. 1. I would say you have done more to wound Mr. Goss’s character than he allegedly did to anyone. Even though they have him dead to rights, he is still entitled to his day in court, a presumption of innocence, and a right to defend his actions (even though he really has no defense to them).

        2. How a prank phone call meets any definition of profound escapes me. A more accurate use of it would be you are profoundly overblowing this to issue to get attention for your self/company.

        3. You mentioned psychotherapy in your prior post . . . please dislodge your head from your ass. Again, the attention seeking behavior you are exhibiting is more concerning then anything the kid did.

    2. We do not discreetly do things anymore.
      Hey, did we ever find out who put the damning boards up in SF that berated so many legislators a couple years ago???

      1. Shhhhh….that was pro governor activity we dont investigate that…just someone against her

    3. Apparently Sam needs to contact Bruce Springsteen, and let him know he needs a new nickname – because apparently now Sam is “The Boss…”

      1. Isn’t it interesting how many commenters here hide behind a “nom de plume”, a pseudonym, or a pen name? I ALWAYS own my comments, good bad, or indifferent. I LOATHE folks who “hideout.” As they say, “Consider the source.” Why anyone would defend Mr. Goss’ behavior as a “minor incident” is beyond me. It goes to character.

        1. Bad character is when one makes repeated acts of bad judgement. A mistake is an isolated a act of bad judgment.

          Do you have evidence of other acts of bad judgment?

          I’m not defending this act of bad judgment. I am also not willing to define someone by an isolated act of bad judgment. By all accounts from what I’ve been told, this act is an exception to a life pretty well lived.

          BTW, loathe is a rather extreme decision regarding someone you’ve never met, don’t know their circumstances, and what other positive things they do.

        2. That’s your best shot! I don’t know the name so I will make an argument that they are one to be “loathed”. Sam we are begging you…. Please hide…run and hide.

    4. Word has it, CNN is interested in Austin.
      This is exactly the type of reporter they like.

  6. Mr. Kephart: Effective writing recognizes the difference between being just plain mean and erudite. True to form, your attempts at argument above are subsumed by your white-hot raging. It belies a massive inferiority complex borne out of repeated personal and professional failures. Work on that before you spend any more time damning your betters like Austin.

  7. prank calls happen frequently in tv and radio jobs. the id spoofing is a weird aspect of this of course.

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