Binders away! Kloubuchar to have campaign event on Monday in Sioux Falls at Brendan Johnson residence.

Watch out for flying binders on Monday!

Because Minnesota Presidential candidate and nominee for least favorite boss of the year Amy Klobuchar is coming to Sioux Falls for a Rally.

Klobuchar is scheduled to be at the home of former US Attorney Brendan Johnson on Mon, Dec 23, from 11:00am to 12:30pm.

It’s kind of a win/win for Brendan. He gets to host a presidential candidate now, and then can host a different candidate after she drops out.

Stay tuned.

7 thoughts on “Binders away! Kloubuchar to have campaign event on Monday in Sioux Falls at Brendan Johnson residence.”

  1. She’s not a realistic 2020 candidate. If the dems decide they want a “cis” female senator, they’ll pick Liz Warren. At best Amy is running for VP… but she isn’t a great match for any of the most popular dems. I expect she’ll just return to the senate. Otherwise, best-case scenario is a cabinet appointment. Smart woman. Willing to compromise & not off the charts insane (so progressives dismiss her as “meh”). Bad-tempered & judgmental, sure, but I’m not leaving this glass house to throw stones.

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